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Design My Fox Girl!🦊20GC Reward [CLOSED]

Posted 2021-01-11 17:53:22

ty for the feedback!! i'll try to make some edits :)


Posted 2021-01-11 18:38:38 (edited)

Here is is my attempt. The design may not be perfect, far from it, even; I played around with it for a while just for fun. I aimed to give her a distinctive foxy look that is both bold and balanced. Potential combo marking yields with your stud are auburn and silver. She has red points, black smudge, black limbs and white toes.

Link to design:

Somewhat lower opacity alternative: 

Edit: I was unable to rearrange things without completely ruining the design and combo possibilities, but I was able to remake it with a few different markings in slot 1 that I thought looked good:

1) (black dilution 75%)

2) (beige underfur)

3) (white underfur)

Edit 2: Removed the options with red smoke/shaded, as they aren't available to you.

🌿 Sempervirens

Posted 2021-01-11 18:43:19

@idiosunkrasia, i really like this design! the only issue i have with it is white marbled unders being in slot 1. my stud has white marbled unders in slot 9. so either take that mark off completely OR move the marbled unders to slot 9! I really don't want my pups to have double marks lol. otherwise, thank u for ur submission it is greatly appreciated!


Posted 2021-01-11 20:03:51

added another


Posted 2021-01-11 20:35:31

I have edited my original post (:

🌿 Sempervirens

Posted 2021-01-11 20:54:22

made some edits to my original post :)


Posted 2021-01-12 02:36:02 (edited)

Pretty desert child <3

The yellow light husky is to create a ducat mark between them. I wasn't able to create any other marks between them that you like (auburn or silver) since the Fox's white marks don't come in black and his black marks are in slots you don't want to change on Wildfire. I would have attempted sepia but, again, his brown marks are either in slots you don't want to change or in markings that don't come in the other colour. 

Feedback welcomed! Congrats on your special girl!

☀️🧿 ꜱʏᴠᴇɴɪᴇɴ 🧿☀️

Posted 2021-01-12 08:31:22

@idiosunkrasia unfortunately red shaded/smoke r unavailable to me. please make sure all of the marks r available in the customizer or through the marking applicator (not the random marking applicator) before putting it into ur designs. the black diluation 75% design is definitely my favorite one out of the bunch u submitted. The red on the fox base is very nicely prominent, I can see the base's underbelly coloring, its really vibrant. i love it. 

@WolfLover000 hmmm not really a fan of the most recent addition, i don't like the black spectacles, i'm not sure if its the opacity or bc it just looks wrong on this base. Also, her legs r muddy again :(

@enbee the first design: hmm i don't really like browns on the fox base. i thought the cream would look better (which it does), but I don't like the brown cover u put on and she also has cream limbs twice. 

second design: she's to dark. I really want those red points to shine. i've got 3 suggestions for u-- either lower the opacity on whatever is covering her legs OR scrap the marks altogether that cover her legs OR bump the opacity so it doesn't look muddy

@Syvenian i like the concept, i just don't like dark brown marks. otherwise, this is a great design. dark brown marks won't win this contest. 


Posted 2021-01-12 09:02:55

Fixed it!!!


Posted 2021-01-12 09:08:54

@WolfLover000 a very simple design. I quite like it, but i don't think its something that will win. definitely want more contrast in there. and please edit the name of the design "simple d****" is a slur. 


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