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Suggestion: Marking swap applicator

Suggestion: Marking swap applicator
Posted 2021-01-10 10:58:43 (edited)

I was just talking with my girlfriend about how it would kinda be cool if there was an applicator item that lets you swap two markings. Like if you wanted the marking in slot 3 to be in slot 10 and vice versa, if that makes sense?

Idk we were just talking about things and i thought I'd post it here to see what you guys think!

Edit: Hadn't realized this had been suggested before, feel free to lock or remove


Posted 2021-01-10 10:59:43

I would love this! I would be much more likely to buy a lot of pups I have my eyes on if I was able to slide their big markings to Slot 1 - 3


Posted 2021-01-10 11:01:44

Totally agree!


Posted 2021-01-10 11:04:41

This has already been suggested and discussed here.


Posted 2021-01-10 11:05:20

Oh neat! I hadnt realized


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