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Grove Breeding Item|| Cooldown Reduction

Grove Breeding Item|| Cooldown Reduction
Posted 2021-01-08 11:18:38

Greetings and salutations Wolvden Devs and others who have wandered this way!

I've been playing Wolvden since public launch and have been enjoying it. However, I've come upon a small snag and I believe I've found an idea that could prove to be a good solution.

So, I'm a player who appreciates the breeding aspect of Wolvden as I think a lot of players do. Striving to get muties, special bases, etc. However, with the relatively short lifespan of the wolves, I feel as though the 20 rollover cooldown between breedings is a lot. That's nearly a month in real time. Not to mention how it ages the wolf between breedings, I'm not suggesting we remove the cooldown.

My idea is this: we should add an item to the grove that reduces the breeding cooldown of one wolf. It could cost 5-10gc, so there's still a paywall to access it. As I know having everyone's cooldowns being reduced might be a lot. However, once used it would reduce your chosen female's cooldown from 20 to 10 days?
I know half seems like a lot, but it would allow for the pups she's nursing to wean having her full attention with some wiggle room on the other side.

I'm not 100% on what the item should be called, but I feel like with the extent of cooldown time and the fact no one had suggested something like this before on the masterlist. I'd drop the idea here and see how it goes.

All the best to you all and thank you for considering my suggestion!


Posted 2021-01-08 14:35:40 (edited)

While I do like this idea because I love breeding my alphas, I think the idea of the cooldown is to give the parents time to raise their puppy from a newborn to an adult (1 year). That being said I would buy the crap out of a cooldown shortener. I'm a lore breeder though, not a market breeder, so obviously I'm biased. I don't sell puppies, but the people who do would just saturate an already-oversaturated market, not to mention the pay to win players would get an advantage over people who can't shell out as much GC. So no support from me, sadly.


Posted 2021-01-08 14:39:03

Mixed feelings, of course I want this and I will gladly pay for it because I have some girls I would love to breed more but the market is already oversaturated with pups, do we really need more...

Graciegra | Grulla 🦩

Posted 2021-01-08 14:45:22

No support. This would break the market. Those who buy GC would be buying them and it would flood the market with pups, and that's if it doesn't spike the tier 3 pups produced. If such an item is added, it would need to be a high tier prize in a game, such as a jackpot item, or a high cost item from an event.

OleanderOmen [Prev. Ori]

Posted 2021-01-08 16:40:24

No support, I think this would benefit wealthy users (in game or out) just a bit too much. Getting potentially twice as many litters from your 950 stat female is just too great a benefit, IMO.

I could support a "borrowed time" item where it shortens the current cooldown in exchange for extending the next one? But only one use per cooldown.


Posted 2021-01-08 18:28:49 (edited)

Alright SO yes I support kinda

Personally, I see no issue with this however I'd much prefer it being similar to Lioden's item (forgot what it's called) but it does the same thing sorta as instead of 20-10 days like you suggested it only removes a single day so if you want a female out of cooldown you'll have to obtain pretty much 20 of them which to me is fine plus overall wolves have a pretty short lifespan so to me it's only fair that players should be able to get a few more heats out of a female as I know some of us pay A LOT for some of them 

Others might mention the pup market however I disagree as we'll have a karma system similar to Lioden's and if your unaware of what that entails basically you kill cubs/lions for bad karma or you give them to a sanctuary for good karma which in turn that'll easily remove thousands of unwanted pups and hundreds of unwanted wolves not to mention the bear that will also take in pups based on their bases, markings, stats etcetc

EDIT: Another thing to note is that I do NOT want this as a grove item I would much prefer this being linked to some special currency similar to the gorilla enclave in lioden or the item itself being linked to an event 


Posted 2021-01-08 18:36:59

In the current game mechanics, I can't support this.  The people who would take advantage of this being a Grove Item are already mass producing so many pups that the smaller players have no chance of competing for pup sales.  There's too many pups already.   And, the mutations are starting to massively drop in value, as they are now saturating the market as well.

Additionally, even if the mechanics of the game change to allow an outlet for unwanted pups other than chasing, I still would not support this as a Grove Item.  I would much rather see this as an item that could be achieved through an event, so that the item is limited in quantity and available to all, even those who do not buy GC.


Posted 2021-01-09 13:49:13

While I'm not against the idea of an item reducing the cd for breeding, having an item that you could buy whenever you want essentially infinitely that would reduce CDs by half is entirely too much and would definitely break the game. At absolute most, an event item that reduced the cd by a maximum of one day that you could use maybe a max of once or twice per cd would be fine but otherwise no. As it stands the CD exists to help somewhat stem the flood of pups so large reductions to this cd defeats the point entirely


Posted 2021-07-06 10:11:30

Oh yes, such an item would be very useful. My wolf retires for 15 rollovers. I wanted to breed him with his mate today to make sure the heir will be born well in advance and maybe even get time to some training before my alpha retires. I specially bought a elk heart (I did not read that it does not remove the cooldown) so that my beta could get pregnant immediately. And all is in vain, and the worst part is that her breeding cooldown time is also 15 rollovers, so she will be able to get another pregnancy exactly on the day alpha retires. I won't have time to properly train my heir.
So yeah, such an item that reduces or completely removes the breeding cooldown would be very useful. Full support!


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