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Chased Wolves should remain in the pool for a set amount of time (editted!)

Posted 2021-04-17 14:18:54

Okay wait, not every chased wolf will end up in the pool? So why would I bother chasing at all? I chase to let folks get pretties. If things have a random chance of getting deleted, that's a yikes from me.


Posted 2021-04-17 14:23:07

Yeah it's only like 25% of chased wolves that end up in the pool.


Posted 2021-04-17 14:28:20

But - what, why? Based on what? Is it random? I can't imagine how someone spending the time to raise a nice T3 or even a Special (I considered chasing a Selene that wasn't selling) and it just gets deleted instead.

Yeah. I'm not chasing wolves anymore if that's the case.


Posted 2021-04-17 14:34:03

I could be wrong, but I get the sense that the only wolves that end up as a NBF are 250 and under stat-wise. All the rest are just deleted.


Posted 2021-04-17 14:44:12

Might need to modbox for clarifications then, myself. I don't want to work off of assumptions and make hasty decisions.


Posted 2021-04-17 14:48:52

@dogblud that's incorrect. Stats are rerolled, and stats prior to chasing do not prevent them from being found. I've chased 400+ stat adults and had them found.

But yes, based on the T3 Chase Events, were guessing it's 25%ish for a wolf to go into the chase pool, and we've seen absolutely no indication it's anything but random. A LOT of the t3s we chased never resurfaced.


Posted 2021-04-17 14:53:05

There should be more transparency if that's the case. I might end up chasing only the "ugly" children then.


Posted 2021-04-29 12:03:32

This!!!   Yes!!   I barely see chased wolves as it is, and the idea that they disappear if you fail to make friends is just horrible.  Support!!!

Malachai Morrow

Posted 2021-05-07 13:43:37 (edited)

I'm super new, but was really drawn to the idea of joining an R&C group to incentivize/reward new players for their initial grind to level 10 after being underwhelmed by the NBW clones you're stuck with until then. Reading now that not all chased wolves are even entered into the pool, no less that they are so easily discarded, is a little disheartening, especially because I get so hyped seeing people's beautiful chased threads.

There's hundreds of posts and suggestions on this already, so I'm sure mine aren't new, but my immediate thoughts were:

  1. Create a system that assigns values to traits based on rarity (Trait Rating / TR)
  2. When chasing, add a checkbox (default: checked) that allows someone to determine whether or not they even want their chase to go into the pool. Perhaps the box is unchecked + disabled entirely if the TR is below a certain threshold and it is a heritage-less NBW.
    • I don't know if chasing currently offers anything, but perhaps you can incentivize folks to uncheck (and get something out of their time) by offering rewards based on stat increases incurred while within the den
  3. Create a system that queues + auto-balances the pool, so even if everyone leaves that checkbox checked, the backend ensures that every wolf that intended to hit the pool eventually does, while not destabilizing probability rates
    • Between this and the TR system, devs could assist C&R groups during certain events so the probability of finding certain traits increases during them (if such a thing were desired by the community)
𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐥 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭 ▹▹

Posted 2021-05-07 14:02:31

Honestly? It would be super awesome to have like, a reverse Flight Rising exalt bonus, where on a rotating schedule you're more likely to find NBWs that match certain traits. Have a Cover day, a Mono Light day, etc. 

Chased wolves could be held until they matched the daily bonus, then pulled for that day only.


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