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herbalists are the cutest.

herbalists are the cutest.
Posted 2020-10-03 12:50:30

that's it. that's all there is to it. 

always happy to go off and find some plants, and so happy to bring something back to you. so pure. little botanist babies. i will protect them all with my life.

from now on my fave wolf will always be my herbalist. someone let me have more than one, even if they have to take turns doing stuff and it doesnt benefit anything. it benefits my HEART.

i'll add screenies of cuteness when my girl comes back, i just sent her off foraging, which is what spurred this lmao

Coyote Teeth (he/they)

Posted 2020-10-03 12:52:32

not sure if i can reply but i absolutely agree with you.


Posted 2020-10-03 12:56:36

The flavor text for Herbalists is ADORABLE. I love them. ;w;


Posted 2020-10-03 12:56:44

you can ABSOLUTELY reply, everyone needs to be here, appreciating the sweetie beebs

Coyote Teeth (he/they)

Posted 2020-10-03 12:59:47 (edited)

Herbalists are the cutest! I gave mine a makeover last night <3 <3


Posted 2020-10-03 13:02:18

she's so pretty!! i'm working really hard to get more territory space to round out my second hunting team, but hhhh i want to treat my babie like that too!

Coyote Teeth (he/they)

Posted 2020-10-03 13:45:09

I KNOW...this is what i was thinking! they’re all so precious🥺


Posted 2020-10-03 13:45:54

"Little botanist babies" 10/10 thank you for summing up my thoughts entirely


Posted 2020-10-03 13:48:01

My herbalist may be less than stunning after a bad roll of the dice on a full shuffle, but she's a snarky yet adorable plant lover in my heart.


Posted 2020-10-03 13:51:03

YESS herbalists are just so happy with plants.... my herbalist red is just a silly little man


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