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Testing Thread (please ignore!)

Testing Thread (please ignore!)
Posted 2021-01-04 18:31:39 (edited)

Undwing's CSS Shop

Welcome to my CSS shop! I dabble a lot in web design and figured I would see if there's any interest. Only been on the site for a short while so I don't have too many examples yet, but I've got a pretty good handle on CSS/HTML!

Available Slots
Your order will not be added to the queue until payment is complete.
1. open
2. open
3. open

Terms of Service

- Do not claim the code as your own.
- Do not remove credit embedded in the stylesheet.
- Do not edit, resell, or otherwise redistribute your stylesheet.
- You may edit the variables within the :root pseudo-class.
- I will provide free support (break fixes and minor edits) for 1 month after the order is completed.
If you have any questions you're welcome to contact me here or on Discord at Undwing#0716!

I will accept the following items in place of SC/GC:


All layouts will be tested on desktop and mobile.

Standard Package
800 or 10
Includes a stylesheet for the den OR the user profile. Package includes a custom background, full color swap, custom Google fonts, and any free add-ons.

Combo Package
1200 or 15
Includes stylesheets for the den AND user profile. Package includes a custom background, full color swap, custom Google fonts, and any free add-ons.

Free Add-Ons

Transparency   Free
Full or semi-transparency for the header, sidebar, main content area, sidebar cards and tables. Please be specific on the order form.

Rounded Edges   Free
Rounded corners for the sidebar, sidebar cards, tables and images. Can be used to make elements circular, teardrop-shaped, etc. Please be specific on the other form.

Premium Add-Ons
The price for add-ons is the same for both the Standard and Combo package.

Custom Scrollbar   80 or 1
Customized look for the scrollbar. Please specify on the order form.

Hover Animations   80 or 1
Animations on hover for sidebar cards, tables, icons, etc. Please specify on the order form.

Image Replacement   80 or 1
Replace the pack dynasty, nesting/pupsitting, pack overview, and breeding images on the den page. Please include the images you would like to use or have a description.

SVG Edits   240 or 3
SVG edits allow you to create custom shaped boxes, as seen on the statbars and menu on the Horizon example. SVG edits can create more complex shapes than this so please be specific on the order form.

Hidden Account Settings   240 or 3
Hides the Account Settings form and/or Den Settings form from your profile until it's hovered over. See the Condensed example.

Customized Menu   400 or 5
Reorganize the order and position of items in the header, as seen on the Shadetree example. Please be very specific on how you would like the menu to look in the order form.

Customized User Card   400 or 5
Reorganize the order and position of items user card on the sidebar, as seen on the Shadetree example and the Condensed example. Please be very specific on how you would like the menu to look in the order form.

Customized Content Layout   800 or 10
Reorganize the order and position of items in the main content area. Price includes resizing and editing tables to fit, such as the column layout pictured in the Condensed example. Please be very specific on how you would like the menu to look in the order form.


Do not include the italicized text in your form, that's just there to help you out!

User ID:
Payment Method: GC or SC
Package: Standard or Combo
Background: Image (1920x1080px recommended minimum), color, or gradient
Custom Fonts: Google Fonts only, please specify where you want the fonts applied
Color Palette: I can match it to your background image unless you provide a specific palette; I recommend
Sidebar Style: Solid or tabbed

Free Add-Ons
Premium Add-Ons


Horizon - Transparent body with customized menu, svg edits (custom shapes for the skewed box edges), and hover animations on tables, cards and buttons.

Shadetree - Transparent body with customized header and sidebar cards.

Condensed - Customized content area with column-based user info tables and hidden account settings.


Posted 2021-01-04 20:26:53 (edited)
Male #1 80 / 1

General Breeding Stats
SexMale SireKoji Strength73
PersonalityImpulsive DamMopani Speed68
DispositionAggressive Line QualityClean Agility78
MutationsNone FertilityN/A Wisdom83
VariantDefault Pot. CarrierN/A Smarts88
Looks Markings
BaseDark Brown Slot 1- Slot 6Silver Trim
GenesMuted Dark I Slot 2Doubloon light Husky Slot 7Doubloon Dilution
EyesIce Slot 3- Slot 8-
SkinBlack Slot 4- Slot 9-
NoseBlack Slot 5Black Inuit Unders Slot 10-
ClawsBlack Total4 Markings

Posted 2021-01-12 14:38:20 (edited)
Male #1 80 / 1

General Breeding Stats
Sex- Sire- Strength-
Personality- Dam- Speed-
Disposition- Line Quality- Agility-
Mutations- Fertility- Wisdom-
VariantDefault Pot. Carrier- Smarts-
Looks Markings
Base- Slot 1- Slot 6-
Genes- Slot 2- Slot 7-
Eyes- Slot 3- Slot 8-
Skin- Slot 4- Slot 9-
Nose- Slot 5- Slot 10-
Claws- Total0 Markings

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