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Boost the Den/Bio Character Count

Boost the Den/Bio Character Count
Posted 2021-01-03 23:57:18

Okay, stop me if you've heard this one. You're a lore player, and love making this beautiful lore piece about your pack, where they're from, the relationships among the pack members. You've been writing for a good few hours by this point, and you hit that button that's about to make you rage, Save Changes. Clicking this button, this get a message, one that infuriates you. "Blank cannot have more than 1k/10k characters" (paraphrasing because I just nearly lost a good half hour of writing) 

Currently, the character limit on dens, profiles and bios is rather annoying, and quite infuriating, as it doesn't tell you there's a limit or how close you're getting to said limit. Personally, I would absolutely love to have this limit outright removed, especially since I have lore in bios and on my main den page, and have designs saved on my profile page. However, as this is unlikely to happen any time soon, I propose boosting this limit to 5k characters on bios, 15k on dens and profiles, and adding a character limit indication. It would be helpful to have like a journal or notepad that only a player can access, as a temporary save location as well, for if you go over the character limit  so you don't lose all your progress.

As it stands, the only way to do extensive lore if to make a forum thread in writing or somewhere similar., which not only is ineffective, as others can post and disrupt your lore, but also clogs those forums. So if we can't boost the character limit, it would be nice to get a dedicated Writing Forum with a Lore Sub-Forum and a Records Sub-Forum, with both sub-forums allowing a poster to lock it as read-only.

TL;DR: Boost the Character limit/add a character count indicator, add a temporary save location for dens/profiles/bios, and/or create a dedicated Writing Forum for Lore and Pack Records.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a nice day/afternoon/evening/night.

OleanderOmen [Prev. Ori]

Posted 2021-01-04 04:55:20

Mega support!

As someone who likes to have a beautiful den page, but also loves to write lore the character limit is very daunting! I would much prefer the removal of the limit, but would be fine with it being increased if nothing else. Something else I would love to see implemented would the that the code (eg, <b>Abc</b>)  would not be included in the total character count. Because as of now that is what is giving me most grief as someone who likes to stylize my texts and den page.


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