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Implement a Cooldown for Retiring Breeding Males without pay bypass

Implement a Cooldown for Retiring Breeding Males without pay bypass
Posted 2021-01-03 09:10:43

To put this in the most simple of terms possible; Most of us are in the first few generations of breeding, while others are several generations ahead of the game in terms of breeding; and that's a issue this early on. 

There's a complete lack of balance, and it's driving me insane personally. There's NO way for us to catch up because we would need twice as many benefits to purchase as these folk ahead of us to even start catching up, and even then you're still going to be seeing the cheap side of the better market that will barely cover feed for the pups you raise. There's folk several generations ahead of a lot of us, where a very good portion don't have the funds to leap forward in the game by several generations. This is rendering basic players virtually useless, there's no point in playing the game because we will NEVER catch up, and NONE of the wolves we produce are even remotely wanted.

We’re talking massive start stats, being able to have slots filled with breed only marks - and then the rest of us are rendered useless because we’re average players and DONT get that ability to jump forward or pay to use studs from people able to do that.

By “Catch up”, I am referring to the ability to profit in SOME FORM off of the main game goal; breeding. A average player should be able to partake in the main purpose of the game and I’m not seeing that ring true. Other folk being capable of leaping forwards generation after generations as freely as they please with funding while everyone else would’ve theoretically taken approx 400 days (assuming we’re going till date of death and logging on every day) to start their 3rd generation breeding male and be in even a similar ball game... see the issue? Do we really need players over a year advanced in the game just bc they have money? I don’t think we do. A 200 day advance seems far suitable enough. It’s still beneficial to the folk that can pay but it doesn’t screw the game for everyone else.

This I believe will help balance the game a lot, even though I can imagine this would anger a lot of folk. Bottom line is, people are free to pay to go as far as they want in the game and there's no consideration for the remainder of the players. I don't mind the feature of bypassing the Breeding Male cooldown as far as when you can select the next male after retiring your old one. What I mean is something like you can only replace your breeding male once within a certain time with no way to pay to bypass, not as many times as you like so long as you have the funds for it. 

See, this advantage people get allow them to leap forwards breeding wise way beyond what's currently a reasonable level for other members to achieve, and because they get the nice things, they get to just keep going on and on and on, and now here we are where only select folk get to make anything at all on breeding, if you're even lucky enough to be able to sell anything other than chasing it. Implementing a cool down of this degree would help level the playing field for all players, so those of us playing without funds to buy into the ranks can still play the game. 

These players aren’t at fault on either end, the game simply permits gaps that are limiting majority of average players. Often when I speak to folk who have left the game so far due to the market and not being able to sell ANY pups (even ones “worthwhile”) or get any income from their breeding male, etc. A lot of times it’s not just potatoes I’m seeing being passed on, it’s practically everything except for the basically super overpowered pups being produced. I mean I’m a casual player, I got lucky enough to have extra funds to get GC to breed to a 3rd Gen top stud, popped out wolves with stats just shy of my top wolves level 18 stats, and she’s a NBW. That doesn’t seem proportional at all to what average players can even come close to without relying on big purchases to advance. 

We’re looking at about 200 days of play before the average breeding male would come of old age, and I feel we should only be able to advance beyond normal timeline generations by ONE gen in order to maintain a degree of a fair average of wolves produced so others have a chance to play as well. Being 2/3 generations ahead on breeding males just doesn’t seem proportional to average gameplay and I truly believe this is a big cause of market imbalance.


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