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LF: Low Fertility Wolves | Offering SC / GC / Trades

Posted 2021-01-06 11:34:18

@Dinaro; honestly I don't know sdjfkh I don't know how to price NBWs lmao.
I also have her (but she's at 28%) and she has glass eyes + double points, if that's your jam.


Posted 2021-01-06 11:43:21

@Mint in the TC, low stated Diorite pups are going for about 50/60 SC, and your girl has no markings, I just like that she's in the same base group as my stud plus she's low is around there fine? I can't pick her up right now anyway I gotta get one of my 3 adults in the TC to sell or chase before I pick up another adult anyway. I know fert check is 20SC and her bio says you scried her? So idk how much you have into her. Thanks for showing me the other one, but right now 28% is too high for me. 


Posted 2021-01-06 14:39:52

@Dinaro; okeoke makes sense.

And yeah I scried about 5 times (maybe 6??? but doesn't matter) each for mel + alb on top of the fert scry itself.


Posted 2021-01-06 15:44:36

That's what's annoying about this site, SC is so hard to come by and you use so much in breeding whether it be buying wolves, scry, fert checking or stud fees. But I guess it would pay off if she scrys positive. If you're still down to sell her I'd come up to 80SC or 4 healing salves, but either way you wouldn't cover all the money you put into her. :/  


Posted 2021-01-06 15:57:47

Just Moana and Ra-Ra? You had "and" and there but didn't list a 3rd so just double checking! :P


Posted 2021-01-06 16:22:37 (edited)

Oh I'm just stupid I was debating getting Nora too...ah what the heck I'll take her as well. Thanks >_>


Posted 2021-01-06 16:49:05

LOL you got it! I'll message you in a couple days provided they all survive (I've been having bad luck lately...)!


Posted 2021-01-06 17:39:59

Okay thanks! Yeah keeping pups alive is hard, especially in winter that's why I have so many darn pupsitters


Posted 2021-01-06 19:37:06

@Dinaro; RIP yeah originally I was going to keep her (maybe) so that's why I went so hard on the scrying and whatnot lmao so yeah I'm probs gonna keep in that case RIP sorry.

(Offhand though, I have these kids as well? They're "low" fert but not scried but there is a potential alb carrier? / / / )


Posted 2021-01-06 19:58:48

@Mint That's fine, how much do you want for the potential carrier and honeydew? 


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