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Under The Mountain Pack Lore

Posted 2021-01-19 07:55:03


Current members include Rhys (Reigning King), Daphne (Reigning Queen), Itena, Ursa and Iasios. The current respect for the Goldmeres is low, many of the older more experienced pack members disagree with Rhys’ decisions and the pack is already gossiping about Daphne sneaking off with any male she could find. The pack had pretty much given up expecting a contender from the Goldmere line. Sweet Ursa would never be able to stand toe-to-toe with the other contenders. Itena had potential but they would never allow someone with no family ties to reign. But her son, Iasios had potential. Every pack member knew what a respectful pup Iasios was. Maybe it would be Iasios who would bring back the Goldmeres to their former glory.

Rhys - Reigning King

As the current King of the pack most of the pack has been happy under the Goldmere rule, however, there have been a few wolves looking for change. While many of the younger wolves like Rhys for his spontaneity and carefree nature, many of the older more experienced wolves want the monarchy under a more capable wolf. Currently, Rhys has no heirs that could be possible contenders of the crown and based on his current relationship with Daphne it didn’t look there would be any. His adopted daughter Itena despite having high stats won’t be accepted by the pack due to her lineage. Any hope for an heir would depend on Itena either forming a mating bond with another wolf with strong family ties or having offspring with Nestor. Alternatively, Itena’s son Iasios can also form a mating bond with another wolf in the pack.

Daphne - Reigning Queen

Daphne’s relationship with Rhys can be described as rocky at best. There was a time in the past when Daphne loved Rhys but now it was more of a tolerance. The care-free and happy nature that she once fell in love with was starting to get irritating. She knew the other older  wolves tried not to gossip about the reigning family when she was around but she always ended up hearing about how some of Rhys decisions weren’t always the best. She agreed with them, sure, that care-free nature of his was what made this possible, sometimes you need someone who believes in something for it to happen. But if you wanted that to it to flourish you needed someone with perseverance, you needed Nestor. She had attended all the Noble meetings and it was always Nestor who managed to keep Rhys in check and looked out for what was best for the pack. Maybe it was during those meetings or the pack meals when the founding members would gather together just like old times, but somewhere in between Daphne fell in love. What she felt for Rhys was puppy love, swept up with adventures and the adrenaline rush that came with them, it was bound to die. But for Nestor she felt a stronger emotion, someone to depend on, an equal partnership. She knew that she would never be able to replace Thalia but she wanted some escape from all of it, and maybe Nestor did too. None of the pack said anything to Rhys when Daphne would leave and enter the caves with Nestor or any other male wolf..


As an adopted member of the pack Itena knew she stood no chance of ever being considered as contender for the crown. While the pack considered her and any other adopted member of the pack to be value members and loved each pup that came as their own, wolves who weren’t direct descendants of the one of the family lines could not take over the crown. Despite this Itena worked as hard as any pack member to raise her stats, sure she wouldn’t be able to get the crown but maybe her pup could. Her son Iasios already showed a lot of potential to become a great wolf, if he managed to mate with another wolf with stronger ties it could be possible. She knew that it was up to her and Ursa to change the image of the Goldmere line, and her son would do it.


Ursa had no reason to try and fight for the crown. She was happy as she was. She loved being a denmother and she didn’t ever really participate in all the pack politics and drama. If the Goldmere line died with her and Itena she didn’t care. She didn’t want to have pups just to put them in competition with each other. She already saw how much Itena was training Iasios everyday. She saw the pressure her younger brother Rojun was already putting on himself to raise his stats as much as he possibly could. While she tried to support her brother as much as she could she couldn’t understand why he wanted the crown so badly. She wanted her pups to be happy and free to do as they wished.


Iasios never really understood why his mother was always so hard on him. Everyday it was training, training and more training. All the other pups still played in the nursery and he wanted to play with them too. His mother said he wasn’t like the other pups, they were born with family names that already made them a contender for the crown. He had to prove himself over and over again. So Iasios spent most of his day getting up early so that he could train with his mother, spend time helping Hieron and the denmothers whenever he could, he always had to make sure that all the other wolves knew how great he was. His mother said that Rhys and Daphne already ruined the Goldmere name and it was up to him to make sure that the Goldmeres were back to their former glory. Iasios wasn’t sure if he agreed with his mother but he liked to see how happy she whenever she told the other shewolves about her pup, so Iasios was okay waking up a little earlier, training a little harder and sleeping a little later everyday.


Posted 2021-01-19 07:55:19



Posted 2021-01-19 07:55:48

Nightwin Contenders


Posted 2021-01-19 07:56:09

Shieldbone Contenders


Posted 2021-01-19 07:56:25

Mountborne contenders


Posted 2021-05-30 09:22:53 (edited)


Season: Summer ⅙

It’s high time for a pack reorganization! Nestor couldn’t walk from one den to the next without bumping into some wolf or stepping on someone’s tail. Rhys didn’t seem to mind the crowding, after all, he had a whole den to himself. But then again Rhys didn’t really want to do anything after his mate, Daphne left. Nestor could already see the tension building in the pack and it would do to have fights within the pack. So Nestor took it upon himself to reorganize the pack and maybe kick out a few members that seemed to have slipped in. The best thing to do was to organize the dens by families, this would allow family ties to grow stronger. Currently, the pack has only four dens. Clearly, there weren't enough to house each of the family lines, so three dens were made to house the Goldmeres, Cliffslats, and Nightwins. The remaining den would house the remaining pack members. More dens would be needed in the future.

Den Housing

Goldmeres 🗸

Cliffslats 🗸

Nightwins 🗸






With the whole pack reorganization, a lot of members left and a lot of new members joined. Among them included the Orion and Demos brothers hailing from the faraway pack. Both brothers were direct offspring from pack leaders, thus they became the founding members of a new family line, Brairfalls. The brothers both show a lot of potential.


Posted 2021-06-01 18:48:13 (edited)

Orion Noble of Briarfall

Position/Title: Crown Prince of Brairfall

Mate: N/A

Siblings: Demos Noble of Briarfall


Friends: Demos of Briarfall, Aurae of Nightwin, Cyran of Mountborne

Notes: Orion and his brother Demos arrived at the pack as young pups from another pack. Both brothers are directly related to the reigning leaders of the Briarfall pack. However, due to discourse within their birthpack the pups' mother left them with the Under the Mountain pack for their safety. 

(0Y0M) Orion and his brother were born to the reigning king and queen on the Briarfall pack. However, the pack was currently going through the most violent moment in pack history. The aging king and queen that this would be their last litter, however, this also meant the pups' lives would be in danger from the moment of their birth. With family lines fighting to take over the pack, the death of two young pups would only make it easier to take out the royal line. So, their mother met with a neighboring pack past the forest and plains and over the mountains. Here, the pups would be safe and their royal line would be respected. So, the aging queen and king waited for their pups to grow strong enough for the journey. The queen slipped out in the dead of night and dropped the pups off at the edge of the Under the Mountian territory and hoped for the best.

(0Y7.5M) True to their noble lineage both the bother possess an air of regality and dignity. The pack is often surprised by how both the brothers pack. While the Under the Mountain pack and often been laxer in terms of hierarchy and noble lines, the brothers somehow just seem to know how to act despite no one teaching them. While Demos is the more outspoken brother, Orion has proven himself to be quite the genius. The brothers and their close friends Aurae of Nightwin and Cyran of MOountborne have been known to get into all kinds of trouble and more often than not, Orion is behind most of their schemes. Nestor believes the pup shows a lot of promise with his quick wit and planning to become a Shield in the future with the right training and guidence. 


Posted 2021-06-01 18:55:22 (edited)

Demos Noble of Briarfall

Position/Title: Crown Prince of Brairfall

Mate: N/A

Siblings: Orion Noble of Briarfall


Friends: Orion of Briarfall, Aurae of Nightwin, Cyran of Mountborne

Notes: Demos and his brother Orion arrived at the pack as young pups from another pack. Both brothers are directly related to the reigning leaders of the Briarfall pack. However, due to discourse within their birthpack the pups' mother left them with the Under the Mountain pack for their safety. 

(0Y0M) Demos and his brother were born to the reigning king and queen on the Briarfall pack. However, the pack was currently going through the most violent moment in pack history. The aging king and queen that this would be their last litter, however, this also meant the pups' lives would be in danger from the moment of their birth. With family lines fighting to take over the pack, the death of two young pups would only make it easier to take out the royal line. So, their mother met with a neighboring pack past the forest and plains and over the mountains. Here, the pups would be safe and their royal line would be respected. So, the aging queen and king waited for their pups to grow strong enough for the journey. The queen slipped out in the dead of night and dropped the pups off at the edge of the Under the Mountian territory and hoped for the best.

(0Y7.5M) True to their noble lineage both the bother possess an air of regality and dignity. The pack is often surprised by how both the brothers pack. While the Under the Mountain pack and often been laxer in terms of hierarchy and noble lines, the brothers somehow just seem to know how to act despite no one teaching them. While Orion is the more quiet brother, Demos has proven himself to be quite the speaker, often sweeping the pack away into fantasy lands with his wild stories and tales. The brothers and their close friend Aurae of Nightwin and Cyran of Mounteborne and been known to get into all kinds of trouble and Demos is often in charge of distracting the older member with his wild stores while the other sneak out. He's also proven himself to be quite the speaker as he often finds a way to make sure that their little group leaves the mess they made scot-free. Nestor believes the pup shows a lot of promise as a leader with his great speaking skills and his ability to gather the other wolves together, however, maybe it's time for him to get more serious.


Posted 2021-06-01 19:15:11


Season: Summer 2/6

  • Plenty of new young pups have been introduced into the pack over the past spring and it’s about time to introduce them to the rest of the back.
  • The first pup to be introduced is young Aurae (Athletic, Popular, Expresses emotions inappropriately and People-oriented), daughter of Helle.
  • The Nightwins also had another pup this spring, young Fenna (Athletic, Motivated, Neat and Logical), daughter of Klete.
  • The Mountborne-Shielbones adopted two pups this spring, Cyran (Harmonic, Understanding and Dynamic) and Elion (Playful, Secure, Respectful, Coordinated and Intelligent).
  • The pack has been getting more crowded lately, so Nestor and Rhoeo remarked the territory borders, expanding the territory size from 23 to 25.

Other Notes:

  • Nestor continues to scout the glacier territory.
  • Rhys got diarrhea, Heron has cured the illness!
  • Eurytia got an open wound, Heron has cured the illness!
  • Klete got an open wound, Heron has cured the illness!


Posted 2021-06-02 11:15:43 (edited)

Aurae of Nightwin

Position/Title: Crown Princess of Nightwin

Mate: N/A

Siblings: Orion


Friends: Orion Noble of Briarfall, Demos Noble of Briarfall, Cyran of Mountborne




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