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Under The Mountain Pack Lore

Posted 2020-12-29 13:42:37 (edited)


SEASON: Winter (2/6)

  • The Three Sisters (3S) and Ursa have become adult wolves, it’s time for them to start their own hunting order. 3S and confident in their skills and know that they can become the best hunting order. They plan on adding their nursery mate Rojun and Thrasyllos as soon as they are old enough. In the meantime Ursa, Rojun’s sister, will help the 3S get started. Earanthe has taken the role of stalker and leader of the pack, Eurytia, has taken the role of  chaser and Euanthe has taken the role of finisher. Rojun and Thrasyllos will take the remaining roles.

  •  Ursa isn’t too confident in her hunting skills, she plans on helping out in the nursery as soon as Thrasyllos can take her place. Ursa has her hopes set on replacing Nanno as the pack’s Nursery Mother. Ursa is also expecting pups from male wolf in another pack (hoping for a TIII).

  • Phamis’ pups Pentheos and Plusia, were weaned. Their mother has returned to the main den with the other adult wolves. Both pups are healthy and full of energy, their already getting into trouble (poor Nanno)

  • Skylla is also expecting pups from a male wolf in another pack.

Other Notes

  • Nestor continues to scout the Rainforest

  • Klete got an open wound from hunting, Heron has cured the illness!

  • Helle got an open wound from hunting, Heron has cured the illness!

  • Nanno leveled up to lv 3, gained +1 strength, +1 speed, +1 wisdom, +3 smarts (total: 6)

  • Earanthe leveled up to lv  2, gained +3 agility, +1 strength (total: 4)

  • Eurytia leveled up to lv 2, gained +1 strength, +1 speed, +2 agility (total: 4)

  • Euanthe leveled up to lv  2, gained +2 speed, +1 agility, +1 smarts (total: 5)

  • Ursa leveled up to lv 2, gained +1 wisdom, +1 agility, +2 strength (total 4)


Posted 2020-12-29 18:14:37 (edited)


SEASON: Winter (3/6)

  • Thalia passed away today (had her since day one :( she will be missed). Her mate was Nestor, Captain of the Stone Shield. Her legacy continues with her two sons Thrasyllos and Thyestes and her brother Kalos. Thrasyllos will continue in his mother’s footsteps by joining a hunting order, Thyestes will follow in his father’s footsteps by joining the Stone Shield. Kalos will take over Thalia’s previous duties as he has the most experience. Thalia will be greatly missed by her packmates as she was an integral part of the pack. She was responsible for organizing the daily hunts, hunting orders, and training young hunters. She was one of the founding members of the pack.

  • Nestor is extremely upset by the loss of his mate Thalia. Thalia would often join him on the early morning and late-night scouting patrols. 

  • Thrasyllos and Thyestes are also upset by their mother’s passing as they had a very close relationship with her. They would often join their mother and father on their scouting patrols. The boys hope that they can make their mother proud by being exemplary members of their pack. Thrasyllos has already begun training his skills for when he joins the 3S hunting order. He hopes to one day lead his own order like his mother. Thyestes is expected to join his father as a training member of the Stone Shield. He has already started to join his father on some of his patrols to learn about their territory. 

  • Kalos is extremely upset by the loss of his sister. The two were abandoned by their pack as soon as Kalos was weaned. So Kalos sees Thalia as both his sister and the closest thing he has to a mother. They were later joined by Nestor, who became Thalia’s mate, and Rhys and Daphne, who became the founding members of the pack. Kalos has taken over Thalia’s previous role of Captain of the Hunting Orders and Lead of the Sinbane Order. While he has a lot of experience by watching his sister do her job and being the most experienced hunter, he is worried he won’t be able to as well as Thalia. Kalos has also agreed to help train Thrasyllos. 

  • Nuella is expecting pups from a male wolf in another pack.

Other Notes

  • Nestor continues to scout the Rainforest

  • Klete, Itena, and Aëllo are on their last day of pregnancy, they have been safely nested

  • Eurytia got an open wound from hunting, Hieron has cured the illness!

  • Helle leveled up to lv 6 gained +4 speed, +6 agility, +2 wisdom (total: 12)

  • Ursa leveled up to lv 3 gained +2 agility, +4 strength (total:6)

  • Euanthe leveled up to lv 3 gained +1 agility, +1 smarts, +2 speed, +1 strength, +1 wisdom (total: 6)

  • Eurytia leveled up to lv 3 gained +2 agility, +4 wisdom (total: 6)

  • Earanthe leveled up to lv 3 gained +1 agility, +2 speed, +1 strength, +2 smarts (total: 6)


Posted 2020-12-29 19:36:15 (edited)

Thalia Noble of Cliffslats

Position/Title: Captain of the Hunting Orders/Lead of the Sunbane Order

Mate: Nestor Noble of Cliffslats

Siblings: Kalos Noble of Nightwin

Stats: 518 (gained 206 stats)

Children: Thyestes, Thrasyllos

Notes: As one of the most experienced hunters of the pack it’s not surprising that she was made both Captain of the Hunting Orders and Lead of the Sunbane Hunting Order. In addition to being the leader of the Sunbane group she is also responsible for organizing the other hunting orders. Overtime, she began to teach the other young wolves how to hunt together as a team. She loves her mate and sons very much. She is happy to see that both her sons have chosen to follow their parent’s footsteps and become shields and hunters for the pack. She has a very close relationship with her brother, Kalos, as she took care of him as a young pup when they were abandoned by their previous pack. She considers Rhys and Daphne as her closest friends as they all went through the struggles of forming the pack together. She and Nestor are the High Nobles of the Cliffslats.


Posted 2020-12-30 18:45:09 (edited)


SEASON: Winter (4/6)

  • Kleianthe has become an adult wolf. She was unsure of what she should do for the pack. She knew her father, Nestor, had hopes that she would join him as an apprentice Shield member, but truthfully, she really didn’t enjoy going on patrols every day. She did enjoy joining Hieron in his tasks as a herbalist as a pup. She liked exploring their land looking and finding new plants that could be used to help her pack members. She also liked babysitting her younger packmates whenever one of the denmothers wanted a break. But she also liked joining the training sessions Thalia used to organize for the younger wolves. Kleianthe had no idea what she should do, all pack members were expected to help out the pack in any way they could, she wished someone would just tell her what to do. How would it look if a Nightwin like her couldn’t find something to do?

  • Kalos was completely overwhelmed, on top of being the High Noble of the Nightwins he also had to take over the role of Captain of the Hunting Orders and the Lead of the Sunbane Order. While Helle, High Noblesse of the Nightwins, took over some of his duties to the Nightwin line, he was still struggling to get the Hunting Orders organized. He had no idea how Thalia managed to be High Noblesses of the Cliffslats, Captain of the Hunting Orders, Lead of the Sunbane Order, a mother, and his sister at the same time. The Sunbane Order was in bad shape, they desperately needed a new chaser to add to their team. It was then that he spotted Kleianthe returning to the cave looking for something to do. He had completely forgotten that she had become an adult wolf and went up to congratulate her. She told him about how she couldn’t pick a job to do and she just wanted someone to help her figure things out. Well, it looks like things were looking up for Kalos, the great spirit dropped a chaser right in front of him! Kalos told Kleianthe that the Sunbane Order was looking for a new chaser to add to their team and suggested that she should join them. Kleianthe was unsure at first, after all the Sunbanes are one of the best Orders in the pack. Kalos reassured her that she was the daughter of Klete, the Lead of the Brambles order, and the Nestor, Captain of the Stone Shield, there could be no one better to join the Sunbanes! Kleianthe agreed to join the Sunbanes as their new chaser. She went off to tell her mother and father the great news. Kalos was happy to know that he helped out one of the Nightwins and with a new sense of energy went out to finish organizing the daily hunts for the day. 

  • Aëllo had her first litter of pups, five in total. All pups are healthy, (four will be chased, one female will be kept for breeding). Nestor came to the nursery to welcome the new members of the Cliffslats family. The 3S are all excited to see the new pups and have been helping Aëllo take care of the pups.

  • Itena had a litter of pups, four in total. All pups are healthy (three will be chased, one female will be kept for breeding). Rhys and Daphne came to welcome the first litter of pups born to the Goldmere line. They also went to see how Ursa is settling into the nursery. 

  • Klete had a litter of pups, three in total. All pups are healthy (two will be chased, one male will be kept as part of the pack). Young Briseos is a quiet pup, he prefers to keep to himself and clings to his mother all day. Kleianthe and the rest of the Nightwin family came to see the young pups.

  • Earanthe (453) is expecting pups with Nestor (619)

  • Eurytia (446) is expecting pups with Nestor (619)

  • Euanthe (421) is expecting pups with Nestor (619)


Other Notes

  • This is the first time that I had pups break into 400 stats (Aëllo 464 x Malachi 887). The other pups were also not far from the 400 stat range (mostly in the high 300s). I think that I can change rule 1 so that all pups have to have at least 400 stats for the next dynasty. 

  • Nestor continues to scout the Rainforest

  • Odite is on their last day of pregnancy, they have been safely nested

  • The 3S are all expecting pups soon! Hoping for some highstaters that have some tie with the family lines

  • Eurytia leveled up to lv 4 gained +1 agility, +2 strength, +3 smarts, +2 wisdom (total: 8)

  • Earanthe leveled up to lv 4 gained +2 agility, +2 smarts, +1 strength, +3 wisdom (total: 8)

  • Euanthe leveled up to lv 4 gained +1 strength, +1 smarts, +4 speed, +1 agility, +1 wisdom (total: 8)


Posted 2021-01-12 15:49:44 (edited)

This is something new I'm going to try out. I'll try to update this as frequently as possible. I'm hoping this will help develop each of the newborn pups as they age. So here's the first one!


Briseos of Nightwin

Position/Title: Son of Klete

Mate/Partner: Briseos of Nightwin

Siblings: Kleianthe of Nightwin, Fenna of Nightwin

Children: N/A

Friends: Rhoeo of Cliffslats, Eunoë of Goldmere, Iasios of Goldmere

Notes: Briseos was born to Klete of Nightwin. He’s a very quiet pup and prefers to stay close to his mother, already showing his Nightwin roots.

(0Y0M)Most days he spends time in the nurseryden playing with his littermates. His current favorite things are his mother's soft fur, his littermates, and his big sister Kleianthe. He's most happy when Kleianthe comes back to the caves and plays with him. He’s still quite afraid of the other wolves in the pack, they’re just so big!

(0Y0.5M)Young Briseos is starting to get more adventurous and naughty. This week he’s been attacking any tail insight. Many of the pack members are already suffering from Brisoeos sharp puppy teeth. No tail is safe while Briseos is around!

(0Y3.5M) Briseos is finally a weaned pup! He's more than old enough to got out exploring their territory. In fact, that's what he'll do today! Briseos quickly rounded up all of his littermates and told them the plan, as soon as Ursa leaves the nursery they're going to sneak out. Briseos quickly became the leader of his littermates as he grew up, all the pups knew that Briseos was bound to be a captain of something when he gets older, The pups quickly assembled themselves to sneak out as soon as Ursa left. To their surprise they actually managed to get out of the caves and into the pack territory. The pups spent most of their time exploring the nearby mountain range, never straying too far from home. Briseos spotted a mouse scurrying in the undergrowth and organized the pups into a hunting order. They managed to get the mouse before being spotted by Thyestes coming back from patrol. Thyestes guided all the pups back home where the entire pack was out looking for them, The pups all got in trouble that night, but Briseos was still proud of their catch.

(0Y6M)Briseos is now an adolescent wolf, it him for him to choose his family line. In normal situations, Briseos would take either his mother's line, the Nightwins, or father's line. Since his father is a wolf from another pack he also has the option to become a Mountborne. In the end, his loyalty to his mother's line won out. Briseos is now officially a member of the Nightwin family line.

(1Y4.5M) Briseos is now an adult wolf and he's proven himself to be a valuable member of the Nightwin family line. He takes his role as a hunter in the Sunbane Order very seriously. Although he hasn't chosen his role in the Order yet he's been having fun trying out all the roles and learning from the more senior members. He still is very close to his family and spend a lot of time in the pack caves with his sister and Rojun. Briseos and Rojun have become close friends in the past few seasons, as the only young male members in Nightwin family, they often can be seen sneaking out of the dens to avoid babysitting duties. However, he's still excited to be an older brother to his mother's new pup Fenna. Although Fenna is still a bit too young to play with Fenna he still tries to save the most tender part of any prey for her.

(1Y7.5M) Briseos and Iasios of Goldmere have been spending a lot of time together recently. The recent arrival of Earus has upset Iasios greatly. Their other friends Rhoeo and Eunoë don't seem to understand why Iasios is so upset by such a small pup. After all, Earus doesn't have the support of the entire pack. But Briseos understands what it's like to have so many expectations and dreams. So during the days and nights when Briseos would stay with Iasios to talk him through his problems to two got much closer. At some point, it went down a path neither of them wanted to label. After all, they both knew that as wolves with expectations and dreams this wasn't going to last that long. They were expected to carry each of their family lines to greatness. So for now they enjoyed each other's company until their time was up.


Posted 2021-01-18 18:03:06 (edited)


Ramblings have nothing to do with the storyline or daily events of the pack. It’s just a space for me to note down anything I’m planning for the future.

It’s probably way too early to start thinking about making an heir right now, but after Thalia died I feel like I have to step it up and at least think about it. So here we go!

It would be ideal if the heir had Goldmere, Cliffslats, and Nightwin family lines. But with stronger ties to the Cliffslats (they’re currently my favorite line). I’m planning on making a mated pair between Briseos and Thyestes. I’ll have to sex change on of them, it looks like it’ll be Briseos so the pups can stay on the Cliffslats line. This way the Cliffslat and Nightwin lines are sort of merged. Then it’s just a matter of merging the resulting pup with the Goldmere line, if that doesn’t have I don’t really care.

I’ve checked the family line and it’s clean. I was worried about Nestor showing up in Briseos line. So currently Nestor and Thalia appear on Thyestes' line as his parents. On Briseos’ line, it’s just Klete as his mother and there are no issues of inbreeding on the father’s side. His sister’s (Kleianthe) father is Nestor, but that’s not really an issue. In any case, it makes the mating pair have closer ties to the Cliffslats. 

I want their pups to have high stats, as high as I can make them. So they’ll both have to be scouters, for that I’ll need to either retire Nestor or just kill off Rhys and have Nestor take over as lead. I’d like to keep Nestor as my breeding male for as long as possible. The other option I have is to switch Nestor to a hunting role as soon as Briseos is old enough to become a scout. This will allow Briseos and Thyestes to scout at the same time. If I’m deciding who in the BriseosxThyestes pair will be male, based on stats it would be Briseos (has more stats).



Posted 2021-01-18 19:37:28 (edited)


SEASON: Winter (5/6)

  • Odite had a litter of pups, four in total. All pups are healthy (all four pups will be chased).

  • There are quite a few pregnant wolves this year! Looks like spring is going to be full of the sound of pups. The pack was originally worried if they would be able to provide for all the mothers and pups especially this close to winter. Thankfully, the Orders have been working exceptionally hard to make sure the pack has more than enough to eat. The addition of the new Order was certainly a good idea! The pack has so much food that they have started to sell most of it to the racoon that lives on the east side of the mountain. Most of the pack is fed with the food that Rhys and Nestor find on their scouting patrol. 

  • Young Briseos is starting to get more adventurous and naughty. This week he’s been attacking any tail insight. Many of the pack members are already suffering from Brisoeos sharp puppy teeth. No tail is safe while Briseos is around!

Other Notes

  • Nestor continues to scout the Rainforest

  • Klete got an open wound from hunting, Hieron has cured the illness!

  • Helle got an open wound from hunting, Hieron has cured the illness!

  • Ursa and Skylla are on their last day of pregnancy, they have been safely nested

  • Kleianthe leveled up to lv 2 gained +1 speed, +1 wisdom, +1 smarts, +1 agility (total: 4)


Posted 2021-01-18 19:38:59 (edited)


Season: Fall (1/6)

  • It’s been a while, sorry life got me it was a fierce battle I lost. But that’s okay! But let’s get back to it!

  • Nestor was exhausted, he wasn’t as young as he used to be. He'd spent a good chunk of the past seasons exploring and scouting a nearby rainforest territory. It was better now that he had a trainee to help him out. His son, Thyestes had finally become an adult wolf and was eager to join his father as trainee Stone Shield. It hadn’t been long since Nestor’s mate, Thalia, passed and he was starting to get lonely, he missed his morning and evening patrols with Thalia. He knew that he would be able to find another wolf that could share the same bond with, after all, he knew Thalia even before Rhys started the Under the Mountain Pack. But spending time with his family helped him to fill in that space in his heart. He was so happy when his son was finally old enough to join the Stone Shield. He had always known that one of his sons was expected to take over as the Captain of the Shields, but he didn't want to force the job and title to one of his sons. Thankfully, Thyestes had wanted nothing more than to be a Shield since he was a pup. Nestor could remember when he was younger he would always try to sneak out of caves to follow his father on his daily patrols and scouting. He usually got caught by one of the den mothers but sometimes his father would bring him along. Now that Thyestes was finally old enough he could go scouting anytime he wanted and was eager to discover new territories. It was on one of their scouting trips that the pair finally completed scouting out the rainforest territory. 

  • When the Shield came home that day Thyestes came running into the cave telling everyone that the rainforest was finally scouting and that he had practically discovered the whole place by himself. While most of the younger wolves could barely contain their excitement of new territory, the older wolves were a little more cautious and waited for the Shield-Captain to come back and confirm the news. When Nestor finally made it back to the cave he announced to the pack that it was true! The pack celebrated with a big meal and a night howl. While most of the pack quickly forgot the news, Hieron had been waiting for this moment. Most packs don’t know what’s happening in other packs, but herbalists like to keep in touch. They don't really see that divide between packs, the one divide for a herbalist is a sick wolf or a healthy wolf. And if what was spreading around the herbalists was true, the coming two winters were going to be bad. Herbalists from every pack had been scrambling to ensure that they had enough stores to last them through the next winters. While Hieron had managed to keep most of the herbs well stocked he had very little of the more tropical herbs, mostly found by either Rhys or Nestor during their patrols. He knew now that the rainforest territory was fully scouted it would be possible to move the pack temporarily to the rainforest, but Rhys would never agree to such an idea. Hieron was going to have to be a bit more sneaky than that. So he waited in front of the cave entrance waiting for the newest and youngest hunting order to come back home. The new hunting order came in lead by Thrasyllo carrying in their kill. “Hieron! Isn’t this deer huge!”, exclaimed young Thrasyllo. Hieron had a show of looking and examining the carcass, “It is quite large, but the Sunbanes were catching much tougher prey at your age”. The other members of the hunting order soon trickled into the cave and joined their lead, “Well we could catch harder prey too, nut everything here is so easy.”, the wolves grumbled. “I’m sure you can catch harder prey if you were in one of the more difficult territories,” replied Hieron. “And where would that be?” asked Rojun. “Well it would obviously be the rainforest. Look how long it took Nestor to fully scout it. You could probably build up your skills there. You did want to be the best order.”, Nestor replied and left the young wolves, his plan was already in motion. The young wolves began discussing moving to the rainforest within their group, but moving to the rainforest quickly became a topic throughout the entire pack. This wasn’t hard at all, thought Hieron to himself.

  • Rhys had heard enough about the rainforest this week. All week wolves kept coming up to him and Daphne asking about moving to the newly discovered territory. From young Briseos who kept asking question after question about the rainforest to Itena who just about talked his ear off. He had to hold a meeting to find out what was going on. The pack members all gathered together later that evening, they were already excitedly discussing amongst themselves about everything they’ve heard so far about the rainforest. They quieted down as soon as they saw Rhys and Daphne enter followed by Nestor, Kalos, and Phamis, leaders of each of the noble family lines. “Under the Mountain Pack, there has been recent discussion within the pack about moving to the rainforest territory. We have gathered today to discuss this as a group” said Rhys. The pack discussed all the benefits of moving, the opportunity for the hunters to practice on more difficult prey, the Shield would get a chance to practice battling on new land, the pups would get a new experience living on new territory. But there were also some drawbacks, most of the pack’s stores were already located in the mountain cave system, it would take forever to escort the pups to the new territory, who would guard the cave systems if they were gone for so long. The nobles heard all of the pack’s concerns and went to meet with themselves to discuss what to do. The leaders all agreed to move the pack temporarily, enough so that the youngest members of the pack could benefit from being in a new environment and learn some new skills. Rhys announced to pack that they would move to the rainforest for two full season cycles and move back to the mountains before spring. The pack members all dispersed to talk to the friends about the move and made plans, Hieron crept back to his den muttering about having to reorganize his herb stores for the move. In the chaos and celebration, Rhys found Hieron, “You don’t seem surprised that we moved to the rainforest”. “I have no idea what you’re talking about”, Hieron replied with a swish of his tail and made his way to his den. Rhys chuckled to himself, he knew that Hieron was sneaky but he never expected him to manage to convince the entire pack to move territories.


Posted 2021-01-19 07:53:58


Season: Winter (1/6)

  • Love must be in the air! A lot of the pack members have been spotted cozying up to their special pack mate. The following pack members are now mates: Odite and Skylla, Rojun and Aëllo, Thrasyllos and Euanthe

  • The pack wasn’t surprised when Odite and Skylla declared themselves to be mates. Afterall the two were adopted into the pack around the same time along with the other Brambles Order members (Itena and Klete). Most of the members in the Brambles order were adopted from other packs, personally selected by the late Thalia who saw they’re skills and intended to train them to become a new generation of the Under the Mountain Pack. While the pack made sure to treat their newly adopted pups with as much love and care they would have received from their previous pack, the pups still felt like outsiders for a long time. Overtime, as the pups grew they each found their own place in the pack as the Brambles Order. Some of the pups, Itena and Klete were able to find their own families by joining one of the family lines. However, Odite and Skylla weren’t able to find a family line to call their own. So they chose to remain in the Mountborne line. They naturally began to spend more time with the other members of the Mountbornes, Hieron and Nuella who were mates. At some point Odite’s and Skylla’s feelings grew and they became mates.

  • The times are shifting, all the family nobles can sense it. As their King Rhys already nears halfway through his reign the other family lines are already making plans to put their own family lines on the throne. Seeing as Rhys has no official heir yet it is entirely possible for another family to take over as King of the pack. Some of the nobles have already started making plans for potential contenders for the crown.


Posted 2021-01-19 07:54:15

Family Rankings and Leadership

There are currently five family lines with the Under the Mountain pack, the reigning line of the Stone Dynasty being the Goldmeres. The death of the current pack leader/king will signal the opportunity for other family lines to take over the leadership, changing the entire family hierarchy. While the pack is generally carefree about interrelationship between different family lines, nobles have been known to create mating bonds between families strictly for the purpose of creating offspring that could overtake the monarchy. In the event of a current reigning monarchy’s death the pack will gather to select a young wolf who will take over as the leader. The wolves that take over are usually born and raised for this purpose, with planning beginning well prior to the birth of the wolf’s parents. The family line currently reigning has the most power and is able to control many of the pack decisions. But in the end the choice is made by their ruling god (me) and whatever she thinks would be cool lorewise.


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