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(CLOSED) Pick of a Melanistic pair raffle

(CLOSED) Pick of a Melanistic pair raffle
Posted 2020-12-26 01:50:29 (edited)

Hey guys! I have recently obtained a pair of Melanistic pups and have plans to breed them!
I am lacking some gold cones to make the male my breeding male, so I decided to host a raffle to get them!
The winner of the raffle will get pick of the litter from my pair.
You can find them here!
The Ghost

The Darkness

Both of them have been customized to have 10 markings and tier 2 bases!

Tickets will be either 75 silver cones or 1 gold cone a piece! Simply make a private trade in the trading center with a 1 silver cones buy out and the currency you wish to use to purchase a spot in the raffle! When I get off work I may update this with alternate ways to purchase tickets.

The raffle will end when The Darkness is 11 and a half months old, at which time I will use an aging crystal on The Ghost so they will age up at the same time!

Please note that they are both inbred. I am sorry about that, but I can only do so much with what I am given. T_T

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


Posted 2020-12-26 01:50:48 (edited)

Ticket count!

1 - FairyTailFanTaji#10418

2 - Cranor#26431

3-4 - Nixipix #20682

5-14 - Hollow Howls #12130

15-16 - FairyTailFanTaji#10418

17-26 - ThatCorgi #24163

27-32 - FairyTailFanTaji#10418


Posted 2020-12-28 21:27:02

Are you still running this? If so, I'd like the first entry with 75 SC.


Posted 2020-12-28 23:35:02 (edited)

I am still running this! I'll set up a private trade!


Posted 2021-01-02 00:15:08

How many GC do you need?


Posted 2021-01-02 00:22:38

Without buying gold cones with silver cones, I still need 13 gold cones to retire my current stud.


Posted 2021-01-02 20:08:26

Can I get 2 more tickets please? I'll send the trade right over.


Posted 2021-01-02 21:06:39

Sounds great! Just shoot me a trade and I'll add your tickets!


Posted 2021-01-02 21:17:39

Also I'm curious: Are you picking winners after RO or before?


Posted 2021-01-02 21:19:55

Could I send over some GC for tickets?


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