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how to get enough food?

how to get enough food?
Posted 2020-12-25 12:41:31

Hi all, I'm having a really hard time keeping my pack fed. I send out my hunters and they usually fail the hunt, and if they bring anything back it's a quail or grouse carcass. I have no idea what to do to get enough food to feed all my wolves every day. Exploring helps a little but I'm still overwhelmed. Are there any other good ways to get food?


Posted 2020-12-25 13:56:44

1. Keep at it with your hunters. They'll improve over time, and eventually you'll be rolling in food. Lots of people start making changes to their hunting team when they fail a bunch - don't do this! It'll drop their synergy. Unless they're fighting with each other, keep the party intact. 

2. Sounds like you're already exploring, but you can check out this guide to explore encounters to see if there's any encounters that give food that you've missed. 

3. When feeding your wolves, feed them what's going to rot soonest first, so you don't end up losing food you would have used. 

4. Check out the trading center and the stockpile topic on the forums. People often sell bundles of food there for much better deals than you can get from the raccoon. That can help cushion you while you wait for your hunters to get proficient enough to keep. 


Posted 2020-12-25 14:20:50

And if you'd like, I've got a bunch of leftovers with just 2 days left on it. I'd be happy to send it to you for just the required 1SC to help you out. 


Posted 2020-12-25 14:29:06 (edited)

@HollowWorld7 Thank you so much!! And omg that would be fab, thank you ;;


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