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PSA: Potato Pups in The TC

Posted 2020-12-24 07:24:23

Jesus, what happened on this post while I was away :o 

Evil 💀

Posted 2020-12-24 07:31:53

I agree so much with this! Keeping an ugly pup that I don't want only puts a strain in my pack for no good reason since the chance of it selling is abysmally low. Plain/ ugly pups are so easily obtainable by anyone, newbies and veterans alike and it makes sense that the demand for them is 0. I personally only try to sell pups that I like and would love to keep at my pack, but I can't due to their maintenance. There's only so many wolves I can have without having to spend money to keep them happy and fed.

I chase the pups I deem unsellable and I "profit" from it. For a pup to reach adulthood and actually be useful for a pack or be chased off to be found as a NBW, it needs about 31 uses of food and 19 uses of amusement to be at 100% ( I like seeing full bars x3). With food going for about 2 SC per use and toys going for about 4 SC per use at the time being, I save or even make about 138 SC by either not using those resources on the pup or selling them off. This builds up very fast the more pups you have.

I also rarely keep the pups I'm selling after they hit adolescence, since pups start consuming more food then. While I like them enough to try to sell them, I understand that not everyone likes the same things and chances are since they haven't sold by then, they aren't going to later either.


Posted 2020-12-24 07:40:38

Totally agree with that!

I'd personally rather give away some wolves with some "value" (a couple markings, pretty good stats, aesthetically pleasing, etc.) if I see that they're likely not going to sell in the TC before they hit adulthood. 

And hay, if you find use for the potatoes, that's good on ya - honestly! But at the same time, wouldn't you rather have a wolf in your pack that you want to breed, utilize, etc. that's not just there to fill a roll and be chased later? Personally, if I'm gonna feed/play a wolf for a while (to whatever end), I'd rather them be quality over just something I picked up cheap in the TC.

And... without the abundance of garbage wolves in the TC, there would still be cheap non-potato options to pick up there as well. This is not about stopping the sales of cheap wolves, it's about chasing wolves that no one wants / are going to take up space in the TC (and the game) for no reason. 

Evil 💀

Posted 2020-12-24 14:17:16

I did a search today for wolves 2 sc or less and under one year old and there were 28 pages of them in the TC.  Twenty-eight pages of wolves the majority of which were hungry, low mood, low survival, some about to run and several had illnesses. Don't they sound like attractive candidates to come into someone else's pack? Sick and hungry and needing a 100% pupsitter to keep them alive? That would be 2 sc down the drain.


Posted 2020-12-24 20:56:04

Good evening, all!

A gentle reminder to please remember to remain respectful of other players. Individual players are welcome to use or not use terminology if they wish to. We see "potato" as a bit of a lighthearted term, but there is nothing wrong with anyone wanting to use a different term if they wish. If you do not like a term that is used by others, that is fine, but also remember that in this case there is nothing against Wolvden rules about the term "potato" and so other players can use it if they like.

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Posted 2020-12-25 15:01:12

Yeah, at this point im only breeding wolves once they get higher in stats/level and because of that I now need to buy pups so my pupsitters can continue to gain proficiency/stay proficient at pupsitting. And normally I use the lower stat wolves I have for this because Id rather use my time leveling up my higher stat wolves. 

So the less desirable 1sc pups are useful in that regard, but I also get how people see buying them as an incentive for people to keep putting those less desirable wolves up for sale. Because after x amount of them selling, you can actually make a decent profit. Plus, its a but tricky with buying the lower priced wolves as it is hurtful for some players to see their pups chased after awhile.

Yeah some people don’t see it as a big deal, but alot of players put wolves up for sale due to lack of space unfortunately. So I think anyone trying to fix the pup sales this way needs to be a bit mindful of this. But I also get the mindset of, I bought so I can do what I want with it. Because yeah, that’s also true.

Just figure there’s a balance to this that will work out sooner or later.

🌵NIB Brachy Breeder🌵

Posted 2020-12-25 15:10:03

Best way to solve this problem is to create some sort of pup sink. 

Alan Dracula

Posted 2020-12-25 15:11:03

Also want to add that depending on the pup and if I have the space, I’ll actually keep them to turn into pupsitters later on. Especially if they have some desirable traits. So alot of times the lower stat pups do end up staying in my pack.

🌵NIB Brachy Breeder🌵

Posted 2020-12-25 15:13:37

I politely disagree--I use those wolves to keep my pupsitter's stats at a high number since they go down every day otherwise. I chase them once they grow up, but I really need people to put up young pups for cheap so I don't have to spend so much for my pupsitter.

I can understand why you want people to chase them, and to an extend I agree since there are a lot of pups out there, but I don't think people should not put them up just because there's already a lot of them out there.

Mega Wolfaboo

Posted 2020-12-25 15:16:18

I agree with this post a lot!

Let's all be honest with ourselves here: If it's a potato pup, no one's gonna buy it. Don't even try to sell it, cause no one wants it. It's simply a waste of food, toys and medicine to keep around a wolf you don't want for the sake of selling if it falls under these guidelines: Basic coat, less than 4 marks, less than 250 stats. Because no one will be buying it.

People don't want to chase their wolves because it's "sad", but otherwise they're just a weight on your pack's ankle.

I don't keep any wolves I don't want. It's just not worth it with the stress of bad hunting days or low amusement items. I only keep wolves I like and with high enough stats (usually over 270). I personally don't care for Tiers, just colors and stats. In my perspective, it's simply too costly to keep unwanted wolves, and that includes during their auction time/time up on flatsale.


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