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Posted 2020-12-21 23:27:32

That would be amazing!! Definitely on my #1 wishlist to see one day <3 Thanks for all your hard work! You're amazing.ย 


Posted 2020-12-22 20:18:23

Updated the Talking Pagedoll. There can now be one for each corner of the viewport, as well as the option to not have the float animation. I hadn't focused entirely while writing, so let me know right away if something's broken.

*barks at you*

Posted 2020-12-22 22:41:18

This is awesome! Thanks so much for doing this ^ ^


Posted 2020-12-23 17:24:26

How do I change the tab colours :) it says I can but I'm not v good with codes lol

Sarah She/Her

Posted 2020-12-23 18:49:12

@Sarah She/Her

The highlighted bit here, in between the colon and semicolon, is a hex code which translates to a color. In this case, #BF0C43 indicates a particular shade of red. To change the color of the tab, you just need to swap out the hex code for one that indicates a different color. You can use a color picker to visually select a color, and then copy the hex code produced to paste here.

This website has a ton of information with regards to color and code.

*barks at you*

Posted 2020-12-23 20:47:08

Hi! Would it be possible to make a version of the pagedoll without a speech bubble? When I changed the image to this one the speech bubble messed my page a bit (for some reason ended up being in the middle of the screen while the pagedoll itself was in the bottom right corner), and had the mods to delete it for me as it was impossible to save changes when the speech bubble was in the way :(


Posted 2020-12-23 21:07:00 (edited)


It bears mentioning the image you have is actually much bigger than the foxes; this is a decor item which means the actual image dimensions are about as big as the wolf portrait itself, with lots of transparent space around it. For you, I can crop the image down to just the size of the space that the foxes are occupying.

If you would still like to remove the caption though, remove this highlighted bit:

and this would allow you to have a pagedoll without the caption.

*barks at you*

Posted 2020-12-23 21:21:00
Ohh, I didn't notice that! That explains everything, thank you so much!


Posted 2020-12-27 20:28:26

Heya! Thank you for making this available!

I'm a coding dummy, so I'm going to be asking what's most likely a very stupid question: for the split hexbox, how could I change the image - maybe to something that better fits the image in my head of pack lore?

Also, erm, how would I go about changing the color schemes a little bit?

Thank you! Sorry if this has already been asked, or if it's just... a stupid question, hehe!


Posted 2020-12-27 20:35:04


No worries. If you read the code on Pastebin, there should be comments with arrows pointing to where you can change various aspects of the design, like so.

Highlighted is the comment above the hexagon image URL as well as the URL itself, which you may swap out for the url of another image, to change the image.

As for colors: wherever you see a hex codeย (a hex code is a hashtag followed by six letters or numbers), that is an indicator for a color, which you may swap out for the hex code of a different color, in order to change the color. I've highlighted an example - this hex code indicates the color of the header text. For now it is orange, but using a color picker you can alter the hex code to make it any other color.

*barks at you*

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