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Posted 2023-01-19 16:55:59 (edited)
Hello! I just created my own post about this issue here, but maybe someone in this thread can help?

I'm using the pagedoll code from this thread on my den page and it works great, but I'm wondering if there are any edits I can make to the HTML/CSS to make the pagedoll float over the page (or at least hide it) while on mobile? Please let me know if any of you have solutions to this issue. Thank you!

Edit (2/1/2023): I ended up figuring out how to fix this myself and was able to get the pagedoll to be completely hidden on mobile through a combination of custom HTML and CSS. If anyone sees this and wants to know what edits I made to get it all working, feel free to reach out!


Posted 2023-01-31 14:22:39
How do I put the doll on my den? idk how to put my photo.

Posted 2023-01-31 14:24:20
I also need help. For some reason the wolf slideshow and the talking pagedoll won't work on my den nor profile page.


Posted 2023-03-01 15:54:27
the pagedoll isnt showing on my den page either and i was also wondering how i would change the stuff when i cant edit the html page thing?


Posted 2023-03-14 12:51:44
How do I add the customized (images changed, text changed etc.) code to the CCS on my den?

Posted 2023-04-07 22:38:15 (edited)
Okay so on my profile page, the rainbow tabs show up normally and all. On my den they show up slanted. The red is shifted down, and then the tabs from there go down and overlap the alphas profile photo, if that makes sense?
I took off all over html and css I had on, but it didn't fix.. Am I doing something wrong?

I figured it out, just had to move the tabs together onto the same line

Posted 2023-06-25 04:32:22
Using, thank you!


Posted 2023-08-26 06:57:52 (edited)
I used one of the layouts for my den in conjunction with someone's elses code thank you *barks at you*


Posted 2023-08-26 19:34:52
How do I use the rainbow slider?? It goes all wonky when I put it


Posted 2023-11-09 14:27:04
I'm gonna be using these for my profile! They're great, so far :)

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