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Chasing wolves

Chasing wolves
Posted 2020-12-19 07:52:58


I've seen some talk about people wanting or trying to improve the chased wolf pool/population, so I'm wondering what I can do to contribute to this. If I understand correctly chased pups or adolescents don't join the pool, only chased adults have a chance of joining the chased wolf pool. And once chased the stats and family tree get reset? 

So which pups (that I don't want to keep) should I chase now and which should I save for later to add to the chased wolf pool?

I hope someone can clear things up for me! I very much enjoy playing wolvden so far, but some points are a bit confusing. :)


Posted 2020-12-19 09:51:04

any chased adult wolf has the chance to turn up for another player to find (for players level 10 and above). upon chasing, pretty much everything is wiped about the wolf except sex & markings. family tree will be wiped, & stats will be randomised!

afaik, chased pups/adols are basically just..deleted essentially. they will not show up for other players.

what to chase isn't very clear cut as beauty is subjective to each person. but probably any wolves who look "pretty" and have a decent amount of markings. id guess maybe 5 or so? maybe more?

its not to say you can't chase adult wolves if they're 1 mark common base. just some users have made a personal goal to spice up the chased wolf pool market ^^


Posted 2020-12-19 11:49:01

Ohh I see! Thanks, this really clears it up for me.


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