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❄️ Pssst Gifting Mission (gift the person above too!) ❄️ plz read 1st post

Posted 2020-12-24 07:40:17


R33DW0LF (He/They)

Posted 2020-12-24 12:12:40

Gifting you Reed!


Posted 2020-12-24 14:12:59

Gifting, merry Christmas!

🐗 Hogrid

Posted 2020-12-24 14:16:48 (edited)

Merry Christmas Eve!!! I'm gifting everyone above me on this page!!!


Posted 2020-12-24 16:03:18

You all! My gf told me she has 94 gifts and she's so confused. Ahhh! We're so close. 6 more to 100! You've been so generous to her and I appreciate it. Can you help me get to the last 6?

Thank you so much to everyone so far! Gifting my gf and each other (and me omg!) is just so sweet to watch.
And to those who posted their friends they wanted gifted- that's so kind! :D I hope they get lots of gifts too!

Merry Eve of this holiday and I wish you all so many good things! 


Posted 2020-12-24 16:04:59

Just gifted! I hope y'all have a wonderful christmas <3


Posted 2020-12-24 16:14:15

gifted u and ur gf!!!! thats so sweet to do that! ill be gifting above too


Posted 2020-12-24 16:24:47

Gifting you and your gf!

Would appreciate if you could get my dearest friend to 100 for the achievement! She's at 80 gifts i believe! ->Her profile <-

🌒 Blackkat

Posted 2020-12-24 16:25:24


I'm at 92 gifts, still need 8 more before the end of tonight!

Gifted 150+ people and still going! (Gifted above :3)

Every gift is appreciated, from 1 SC to anything else, whatever you can give helps!



Posted 2020-12-24 16:26:29

Sending a gift to her and the person above.


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