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Edit Feed/Play Placements

Edit Feed/Play Placements
Posted 2020-12-16 08:31:50

So first I want to preface this by stating I would much prefer Feed All/Play All for All BUT I also recognize this may not happen for many reasons.

After waking up this morning and grunting at the realization I had forgot AGAIN to feed and play with all my wolves, a thought popped into my head. Personally I have a hard time with it because it's super annoying to click through a ton of pages to feed individual wolves, scroll down (mobile user mostly), click, reload, scroll down, click, reload... and if I didnt have enough uses? Scroll down, click, reload. Scroll down, click, reload. It's super annoying and very time consuming, and I'd rather be playing the game. Additionally, I can go AGES without opening specific wolf pages once I get them set up and on their way. So I'm specifically going out of my way and it's not fun. 

I'm proposing a alteration to where/how we feed and play. Instead of Feeding/Playing being on individual wolf pages, add drop down options underneath Leader/Featured wolf card (main, not side card) on your Den page so you can select the wolf you want to care for, the amusement item you want to use, and how many uses. For a example on what it could look like;

Idea A;

WOLF is Hungry! (80%/100%) Feed them: *item* *number of uses* *FEED Button*

WOLF is Moody! (80%/100%) Play with them using: *item* *number of uses* *PLAY button*

Idea B:

WOLF needs cared for! (80%H/80%M) Feed: *item* *uses* Play: *Item* *Uses* *CARE FOR Button instead of separate play/feed button.*

*For this idea (NONE) option could also be used if wolf is at 100% in either category.*

I feel this would greatly relieve many issues as youd have a reminder right on your page, and it's a easy spot to manually feed without impeding on the option of play/feed all being purchased as I realize that could be a issue for the Devs funding. ♡


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