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Item use merging

Item use merging
Posted 2020-12-16 07:33:00

I've been thinking about this for a good while, and it would be really cool if there was a feature allowing you to merge items into one with more uses!

By this I mean, for example, merging two rat carcasses into one which has the two carcasses' uses combined. The same with stuff like amusement items would be cool too :) Not too sure about what would happen to days left in case of carcasses, but as a suggestion, merging could reset the days to 10?

Although this wouldn't improve the game anyhow radically, it could be a nice addition and would make feeding and playing with your wolves less of a pain when you only have a lot of 1-use (or 2-3 uses) items :'D 

There could also be a merge limit (example: you can only merge items with up to x uses, or until the merged item has x uses or less) if needed so that players selling 10x 100 use carcasses or acorns etc. wouldn't ruin the game's trading industry completely.

Another feature related to this could be an auto-merge setting, with which every time you get a mergeable item you already have one of in your hoard, it would automatically merge the new item with the older if the merge limit has not yet been filled. 


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