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no posting please ;; come back later!

no posting please ;; come back later!
Posted 2020-12-15 16:52:04 (edited)

in the process of editing this... thank you for your patience! uwu

Ghostie's Editable DEN CSS
please note! this isn't going to be an in-depth guide on css and its functionalities; this is just going to be me releasing some templates for you all to play with and edit yourself for your dens. if you're looking for a more detailed explanation, Wolvden User tetra did a spectacular job of creating a guide here. thank you!

───╳─── You M A Y ───╳───

o. Edit any of these css templates for personal use.
o. Edit any of these css templates for free for others.
o. Credit me / my templates somewhere on your page.

───╳─── you may N O T ───╳───

o. Claim any of the templates as your own.
o. Repost these templates anywhere.
o. Use these templates to accept css commissions. 

───╳─── A B O U T ───╳───

Hi everyone! I'm Ghostie c: I've been doing den css on various pet sites for about... three years now? I'm far from being a professional editor, always learning more and eager to do so, but I've always enjoyed customizing my den pages to my, and other's, liking. However, when I first began css, I couldn't for the life of me find anyone who was willing to explain to me what all the different codes meant, and how to best utilize them. After a while of nothing but doors being slammed in my face, I decided that I was going to learn css - and I was going to help others learn it too. So here we are. c: If you're like me and appreciate a more hands-on approach to learning, you've come to the right place!

───╳─── Before we  B E G I N ───╳───

o. Make sure you have an app available that you can edit the code in. Windows users (like myself) have a built-in app called Notepad that will work wonderfully, and I believe Apple users can use an app called Notepad ++ or Atom. Do not attempt this on your phone.
o. CSS is all about designing what you like and making it happen. It isn't a race; take your time and enjoy it!
o. If you need help, or have any sort of question/comment, feel free to either dm me or post below!
o. Post below with your WIPs and completed dens! I'd love to see them!

───╳─── C O N T E N T S ───╳───



Posted 2020-12-15 17:18:58 (edited)

Starting Off
───╳─── BEFORE   WE   BEGIN ───╳───

o. make sure you have the necessary program required to edit the code you like. Notepad, Notepad++, or Atom are all acceptable.
o. if you do not have a dropbox account, sign up for one. You will need it.

───╳─── RECCOMENDATIONS ───╳───

Instead of trying to edit the templates all at once, do it step by step - copy one line of code, edit it how you like (by saving and checking it on your page) before moving to the next line of code. This will help you develop an understanding of what each code does, and hopefully make it less overwhelming.

───╳─── STEP BY STEP ───╳───

o. once you have the template, paste it into your editor of choice and save it as a .css file
o. once it's saved you can begin editing the code however you'd like
o. once you've made your changes, save the file and then reupload it to dropbox.
o. hit "share" on dropbox, then copy the link that appears.
o. paste the link into the below code, being sure to change the www to dl (DL, not DI) and =0 to =1
o. save changes! enjoy!

───╳─── R E S O U R C E S ───╳───

because using an image for your background that you don't own is against the rules (and immoral), and css is hard enough without worrying about the rules, I've prepared some resources for all of you to use. 

─── Backgrounds ───
all of these contain free to use images for your backgrounds. It's recommended that you use images that are desktop size for these particular templates.


─── Color Palettes / Hex Codes ───
Coolors Color Picker will let you pick colors from an image (ie, your background.)

─── Mouse Cursors ───


Posted 2020-12-15 18:06:26

Template #1: Solid


Posted 2020-12-15 18:08:29

Template #2: Transparent


Posted 2020-12-15 18:08:44

Template #3: Elegant


Posted 2020-12-15 18:09:05

How Do I Change....?


Posted 2020-12-15 18:09:18

Other Addon Codes


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