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(UPDATED) Wolvden & the Incessant Battle for Pretty Lore: Changing how we view the Biography section

Posted 2021-01-24 12:36:12

Of course there's better ways to do it (like only showing a biography tab if there's a biography to begin with), but it would be a compromise for people who like to display information such as stud deals and such.


Posted 2021-01-24 12:36:44

Perhaps the biography tab can only show up if there's text put in it, similar to how the current Biography doesn't show up unless one is typed into the settings tab. That's the only thing I can think of- but usually I find myself looking for wolf biographies if my interest is piqued on the wolf/pack alone, not because I see that there is indeed text. I figure it's... just there if you want to read it!


Posted 2021-01-24 15:27:51

Support! I put images in my wolve's bios before realising that you can barely see the top of them- theyre not very big images either. I'd love to add more lore or decoration to their bios, but right now it feeels really limiting and its discouraging me from adding to them.

I support the idea of having a tab over the idea of expandable bios, as it'll make the wolf's main page less cluttered (which is why think its been made such a small box in the first place). With the amount of lore/images some people have, I think it'd be a really good addition.


Posted 2021-01-26 13:29:19

Omg yes I support this! Haha.


Posted 2021-05-05 17:29:07

hi yes i'm late but support!!! I love wolvden lores and biographies!

Mod Reset

Posted 2021-08-12 01:42:22 (edited)
MASSIVE support!

This was something that already bothered me on the sister site,  Lioden.  It would be so awesome if we could have a bigger window for the biography.  It makes it not only vastly more aesthetically pleasing,  it's also a lot more easy to read!  I personally prefer the biography tab option.

🌿 「 Juno 」

Posted 2021-08-12 01:50:07
Very hugely support. I haven't even tackled any bios yet and I'm already dreading trying to make them look decent. ^^"


Posted 2021-08-14 18:40:32
Much support. I like the tab idea, players may be more inclined to read and write bios if the darn thing wasn't all the way at the bottom of the page in a dinky little box.


Posted 2021-08-14 18:41:45
Much support. I like the tab idea, players may be more inclined to read and write bios if the darn thing wasn't all the way at the bottom of the page in a dinky little box.


Posted 2021-11-09 19:09:56
Yes full support. It's so tiny so I have to put most important stuff at the very top. Support.

⊰ Shes a Beast ⊱

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