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Ghost Experiences

Ghost Experiences
Posted 2020-12-11 21:54:25

Hello! Over my many years alive, I have had multiple vivid ghost experiences. I'd love to hear more from others! Possibly see how intense they've gotten, and I am also wondering if anyone has ever had a ghost follow them around? 


Posted 2020-12-11 21:59:59

I will start!

The first one I can remember I was around 3-5 years old and I was laying on the couch and looked into the bathroom there was a little boy standing in the doorway. He had a hat, a suit, and half of his legs were not there. 

Another one at a different location (and state altogether for that matter) I was watching Spongebob and looked to the right (at a door, which was a screen door. There was a lady dressed and imitating my cousin, but a slimmer version of her. I looked at the TV, then back at the door and she was gone. My smaller cousin also had an experience with this same looking ghost figure.

Next one, I believe there has been a ghost following me for about 7 years. She wears a long white nightgown and likes to sit in the corners of whatever room im in. Im really afraid of the dark, and she's never given me a sense of being scared but shes also never given me any sort of positive feeling. I am curious as to why shes followed me this whole time. Ive moved multiple times since i believe she latched onto me, even living with different people. 

I also just have a really strong feeling of a ghost's presence often. Some houses I won't feel anything, but others give me a very dwelling feeling that makes me uneasy and feel like there is something there. 


Posted 2020-12-13 21:51:43


I can’t even imagine actually seeing a spirit in front of me. I’m not sure how I’d even react! At least your attached ghost doesn’t pose any threat to you; I’ve heard stories of people who are constantly harassed and/or attacked by spirits that have attached themselves. Yikes.

There was a house we lived in while I was between 13-20 years old. One of the previous owners, an older woman, passed away in the formal living room. I used to see shadows darting around corners, and constantly felt like I was being watched. My aunt also saw these shadows, so I know it wasn’t just my eyes.

At some point, my friend and I were the only people home. We heard somebody cough clear as day behind us in the kitchen (open floor plan.) It freaked us out so bad we decided to hide in my room. My father also awoke to see a man staring down at him beside the bed. Another time I heard three solid taps on what sounded like my light switch panel, but everyone else was asleep and I was laying in bed.

Luckily these happenings stopped after we moved house again, and I’ve since left the state entirely. I’m glad the ghosts didn’t attach themselves to me; I practice eclectic witchcraft when I feel I absolutely need to, and plenty of protective measures have been taken for myself and loved ones. My worst fear as of right now is ending up buying a house that’s haunted by something malevolent. The idea of being financially locked in and dealing with ornery ghosts isn’t my idea of a good time!

Lexy (she/they)

Posted 2020-12-14 14:26:52

The strongest experience I had with a spirit was when I was around 4 or 5, my mum had found I'd gotten into the shed and was banging on the shed wall, when she asked what I was doing I'd told her that 'uncle John told me to do it to 'annoy the old bat next door'' it was only a few days late that she found out from our other neighbour that the old owner, a man named John, used to do the exact same thing, for the exact reason I gave, word for word. As well as that my bedroom would periodically reek of stale cigarettes despite none of my family being smokers and when I was in my teens occasionally I would hear people walking up the stairs despite being alone in the house.

I have since moved house and the house I live in now is filled with spirits, including a spirit who has attached itself to me, a shadowy gentleman who I have sometimes seen in the corner wearing a top hat, a young boy who has attached itself to my aunt and a grumpy but relatively harmless spirit who has holed himself up in the bathroom and becomes very offended if anyone dislikes the decor. 


Posted 2020-12-14 19:52:41


Wow! Thats really crazy. I share that fear for sure! Its not a nice fear or feeling. 


The bathroom one made me giggle! Hopefully they all stay friendly.


Posted 2020-12-15 00:42:25

My family and I have had loads of ghost experiences.  Most of them minor, and some terrifying. I do actually have a spirit that attached to me (or maybe had, haven't seen him in a while). Interestingly enough, @LaurenTheSpoon, it's a man in a suit and a top hat, actually. 

I first noticed him in my room at this little house we were renting when I was about 15-16. He was just, standing at the foot of my bed, staring at me. Naturally I was pretty freaked out, but he eventually just went away. I kept seeing him by my bed at night, or in the corners of the room, and he never did anything. Eventually, I started seeing him standing on the side of the road in random places if we were driving somewhere. Like he was following us.

We moved out of that house 12 years ago, and I've seen him in my room as recently as earlier this year, though I don't remember exactly when. He's never been outright malicious that I can tell, but boy is he creepy, and cleansing the house (and specifically the room) never seemed to affect him.


Posted 2020-12-16 10:19:12

A few years ago there was a evil ghost that lived at one of the houses my mom rented. It made us move out of the house. It attacked my mom one night, like physically. She woke up feeling like someone was on top of her, but there was no one. Then she felt pressure on her throat and she was choking. She shook my stepdad awake and it left but after that we moved out. Up until then, the dog would growl at nothing and doors would shut by themselves. I think we also caught an orb in video there too. 

But nothing beats a cemetery near here. It's in a little place called Reynoldsville. There's a tree in the cemetery called the hanging tree because it was used for hangings back in the day. There's still marks on the tree from the rope. But I went there once at night and I'll never go there again. There's a women in white that many people have seen before. When I went, I could hear almost like a whispering? As I walked the trees above were rustling like something was following me from the trees. Never again.


Posted 2020-12-16 10:29:11

@Coffee that sounds absolutely terrifying! both of them. 


Posted 2020-12-17 13:58:59

I for one am an extreme avid believer in spirits and ghosts.  I am fascinated by the idea of spirits being trapped in the worldly plane and remaining with us on earth.

One example that I've researched often is the Sloss Furnace ghosts and hauntings (I want to go there sometime because it sounds AWESOME).

I have had several experiences with spirits, and thankfully, most have been the benevolent and nonthreatening kind.  I lived in a house that was built in 1912(ish).  My folks obviously refurbished it and made it less... old, but the date of construction was drawn into the cement flooring kf the basement.  

My first true experience was when I was younger and I was sleeping in my bedroom on the 2nd floor.  I think it was around 3 in the morning when I woke up, and I looked over at the door of my room and saw a woman in a white dress.  She had flowing curly hair.  She looked right at me and then slowly faded away.  I remember her so closely that I could literally draw her.  I believe she was in a night gown of some sort, because her hair was out of a bun and falling over her shoulders, wavy and not super curly, but not straight either.  

The second experience was when my parents were out working in the yard.  It was a weekend and it was a late summer day.  Had all the windows open so that fresh air could come in.  I was calling to my dad and I turned the corner to start down the stairs to the back door (also where the door to the basement).  I turned the corner and saw the basement door wide open and just barely caught a glimpse of the shoulders, back, and hips of a man in red plaid and overalls going down the stairs.  It scared me, because my dad wore NOTHING close to plaid or overalls, and I was convinced someone had come into the house.  My dad was outside the whole time and it couldnt be him.  My dad even went down and checked for me.

My mom has also reported having experiences of cold spots and seeing shadows.  At one point, she even smelled my grandpa's cologne out in her garden (grandpa has been dead for around 12 years now, and she reported this about 6 years ago).

In my new house, i sometimes hear my name being called, banging sounds, and such and such.  But the real kicker was when my grandma's music box started playing.  We havent touched that thing since we moved here, and it's in a cabinet that has to be pulled open.

No one can never convince me that there is no such thing as ghosts.  I am a believer through and through.  Lol


Posted 2020-12-18 12:46:26

I've had tons of ghost experiences. Hearing someone call my name when no one's around, mostly human shaped shadows moving around, one of my CDs very clearly playing despite the fact that I could see the CD in question sitting on my nightstand and the radio was off, seeing someone in the mirror who wasn't in the room. 

Pretty sure it's mostly one ghost. I call him 'Michael' because that was my imaginary friend's name when I was little. He gives off extremely creepy vibes, but he's never hurt anyone, and I'm mostly likely to hear him talk when he wakes me up from nightmares, so I think he likes me. He's been following me for at least 20 years, despite constantly moving around, so I think it's safe to say he's here for good. 

He's even gone up against other ghosts - when my girlfriend and I moved in together she was having lots of nasty haunting experiences from her dead father. Our sightings/feelings of Michael skyrocketed for a couple weeks, and then the hauntings from her dad stopped. 


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