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NIB ALBINO RAFFLE! (WINNERS! Consolation prizes messages sent)

Posted 2020-12-12 16:19:53 (edited)

Subscribed to both! Currently have no items that I could send over but hopefully soon I will!

Edit: forgot to mention, I dont have a single mutie and I would absolutely love to have one!


Posted 2020-12-12 16:31:12

Subscribed to both threads!, I’ll be sending a few items in trade soon!, And I don’t currently have a mutie bby 


Posted 2020-12-12 16:46:02 (edited)

I don't have a mutie yet

Subbed to both threads

Sending items and a clean potential Mela carrier - 10% chance. (she is infertile)


Posted 2020-12-12 17:51:17

All added! And thank you very much @wonder <3 <3 

🌼 Hayley 🌼

Posted 2020-12-12 19:32:49

Just sent a trade to you! :) I also subscribed to both of your threads and I have no mutated puppies yet


Posted 2020-12-12 19:34:50

Added! And you were correct on your ticket count!

🌼 Hayley 🌼

Posted 2020-12-12 19:45:03

Sent a trade with three tick remedies, don't have any muties yet, and I subscribed to each thread. Wish me luck! :)


Posted 2020-12-12 19:45:55

Gotcha! <3

🌼 Hayley 🌼

Posted 2020-12-12 19:47:38

Sending items, subbed to both, and I don't have a muttie. Thank you <3

★ Zira ★

Posted 2020-12-12 19:54:16

Subscribed to both threads! I don't have a mutie yet either :3


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