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"Rally" Available Pack Members to an Explore Battle

"Rally" Available Pack Members to an Explore Battle
Posted 2020-12-10 19:31:38

Howdy, Devs and Players.

Let me start by saying (again) that I apologize if this has been suggested already. I did check the Mastpost and this forum first but, unless I am overlooking it, I did not see anything similar. I also do not have any mock-ups or anything of the sort for this idea either. 

If you're nearing the end of an Explore Battle and more specifically nearing the end of your health bar (i.e losing the fight!), my suggestion is, when the screen edges turn red, a new option should appear and only if you have wolves in your pack that do not have specific roles. By that I mean Hunters, Scouts, Pupsitters, etc, cannot be called upon. If you have a role-less wolf or wolves then and only then can the button pop up.

The button that appears is one of the two (i couldn't decide): Rally or Howl! Doing so will call available pack members to help inflict one final blow onto your opponent. As for any effects on those pack members, perhaps they'll lose a bit of energy in the attack. As for how much damage the final move does, well, I'm not entirely sure. A Random Percentage? A Set Percentage?

Opinions and thoughts are very welcome! That's all I have for now. Thanks for your time.


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