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Tiny Baby Pups

Tiny Baby Pups
Posted 2020-12-04 11:36:33


I've started the game recently and got some pups, but I've seen pups that look very different on other user pages.

These pups are very very tiny, eyes closed, floppy ears, and they're not standing up.

My pups even at the earliest stage of their lives when they were just born moments ago all looked a lot bigger, standing on their four legs already, eyes and mouth open, pointy ears, as if ready to play.

How does one get baby pups to look like the first description above, tiny and eyes closed?

Thank you in advance!


Posted 2020-12-04 11:37:20

You have to get the pup stages in the grove for 50gc! this adds a couple extra pup stages, including the newborn stage you're talking about. :)

Bone 🦴

Posted 2020-12-04 11:49:40

Ah, paid content. Makes sense, I hadn't looked at the Grove store at all, but now I see the option.

Thank you for the quick answer.


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