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Add Day/Dusk/Night/Dawn Cycle to Cooldowns

Add Day/Dusk/Night/Dawn Cycle to Cooldowns
Posted 2020-12-02 11:32:51 (edited)

Hi! This is a very simple idea, so I won't go into much detail. I just would like to be able to check when the day is ending in the cooldowns list since I am on a hunt for the mountain frog. Weather and season are in the cooldowns list, but for some reason the day/night cycle is not. Thank you for considering this! :)


Posted 2020-12-04 07:39:36
Oh! maybe even just have a forecast for the day? That would be really cool! It could even be a thing in the Crossroads where there's an NPC that keeps track of the forecast!

🧿 Cornix

Posted 2020-12-04 11:04:52

There is already basically a forecast, here. I just would like it if the day/night cycle was included! I don't think anything needs to be in the Crossroads, it's just a very basic addition :)


Posted 2020-12-08 21:09:38

I support. It think it is needed just cause there are certain times things are available in explorer and I wanna know exactly when that time of day will come


Posted 2021-02-27 00:45:01

Please, this is even more relevant now

🧊 BigenderOrthrus🧊

Posted 2021-02-27 01:06:07

Joining in with my support. The event relies on the day/night cycle, wouldn't hurt to add some convenience so folks can anticipate when they can enter dreamland again.

*barks at you*

Posted 2021-02-27 01:43:27

Support, nothing else to add that hasn't been mentioned!


Posted 2021-02-27 01:57:56

Definitely support, it would be really helpful to have right now lol.

❄️Alpine Caravan❄️hiatus!

Posted 2021-02-27 06:01:34

Support! As it is, it's very difficult to plan exploration trips.


Posted 2021-02-27 07:32:09

Support 110%! I didn't see this post and made another thread last week lmao
