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Posted 2020-12-01 19:54:07

Ahh, I should ask!! Do you guys have any specific yoghurt flavors or brands you like? I don’t have a personal favorite brand.. but I ADORE strawberry cheesecake flavored yoghurts, and ones that taste like cotton candy as well. Very nice and sweet, and they make me feel like a little kid in kindergarten again!! ^^

✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ |:| Mutie Breeder!

Posted 2020-12-01 19:57:36

!!!! I love strawberry yogurt! and blueberry yogurt! As i kid I used to have a lot of those orange creamsicle yogurts. those are so good i love them

WolfyFC | Mela Breeder

Posted 2020-12-01 20:04:31

my favorite yogurt is yoplait cherry orchard yogurt. i love the little chunks of fruit in it and it reminds me of when i was younger because i used to always get it as a young kid.


Posted 2020-12-01 20:07:33

Orange creamsicle yoghurts? Oh wait, I remember those! They were a bit popular in my old first grade class. 

okay I was curious to see what other flavors there are in yoghurts, and I’ve found out that there’s an olive oil, sriracha, strawberry jalapeño, and taro flavor. Um, wow. What’s next, burger-flavored Oreos yoghurt? Toothpaste?? Eggs and sausage? :,)

✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ |:| Mutie Breeder!

Posted 2020-12-01 20:12:50


did you guys ever have the uh like the plain yogurt and it had like a separate lid thing that had like m&m's or little oreo bits?

WolfyFC | Mela Breeder

Posted 2020-12-02 04:24:34

 Olive oil doesn't seem so weird to me ! At a restaurant, between two meals, we got served a vanilla scoop of ice cream with a little bit of olive oil drizzled on it. And it was soooo good. So I can kinda imagine why an olive oil yogurt exists haha

 And YES @Wolfy ! My dad used to get those as a treat when I was a kid, and now that I'm an adult I often buy some lmao Though here it's not really with m&m's or oreo bits, more like smarties, or just little piece of rice crispies covered in chocolate. 


Posted 2020-12-02 08:59:26

Oh, yup, @Wolfy. I still kinda buy em’, and they taste exactly like I have always felt they should-

although most of the time I ate the bits and then the yoghurt, I hated both being all mixed together-

(thank god I don’t do this anymore XD)

✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ |:| Mutie Breeder!

Posted 2020-12-02 13:48:20

Oh man well I'm not much help on yogurt anymore, I usually buy plain yogurts and add brown sugar / muesli to them, which probably wouldn't be great for topping desserts with.  One that would be really good that I sometimes get as a treat is Noosa's pumpkin yogurt, if those are available near you guys?  Noosa as a brand is just so creamy and sweet and I'm just a total sucker for fall flavors. 

But I used to love those yogurts with candy / cookie crumble bits as a kid :')  My parents rarely let me get them because they were obviously unhealthy, haha.  I also was really into Key Lime Pie yogurt, which seems like it'd make a pretty good topping for muffins. 


Posted 2020-12-05 20:25:38



Posted 2020-12-06 06:06:25

oooooh looks pretty good!


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