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10 gc raffle

10 gc raffle
Posted 2020-11-22 16:52:57

10 gc raffle cheap tickets! proof

1 healing salve(full use)= 3 tickets

1 rich healing salve(full use)= 5 tickets

1gc= 10 tickets

10sc = 1 ticket

any medicine = 5 tickets 

1 charcoal= 2 tickets 

1 dandelion= 2 tickets

any other herb = 1 ticket

Amusement items = 1 ticket per use

(this is all the things I can think of currently if you want to use something else for a ticket message me and I will let you know)


Posted 2021-08-01 05:43:32
:0 I'll enter with about 30 sc if that's alright


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