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Hunting teams and battle moves

Hunting teams and battle moves
Posted 2020-11-20 11:36:17

Do hunting teams with more wolves have better luck wit hunts (assuming synergy etc. are all equal)?

Are some battle moves more effective than others against different enemies?


Posted 2020-11-20 12:10:43

Yes, a full hunting team with un-clashing personalities do better than a hunting team of three wolves. Synergy, stats, proficiency and biome difficulty all affect on the success of the hunt.

I haven't noticed really any moves being better against specific enemies, I could be wrong. But personally, I just go for bites and try to latch 1-3 times to shear.


Posted 2020-11-20 12:12:32

Thanks, guess I’ll consolidate some of my teams to increase their efficiency.


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