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Infuenza and poor as Dirt

Infuenza and poor as Dirt
Posted 2020-11-19 22:20:27

Glory, my second wolf, created to be the mate to my Lead, has influenza.  I have 13SC on my account and no herbs that can be used to make influenza.  Is my girl going to die since I can't threat her?  What will happen if I don't treat her?

just a little rant here, but darn does wolvden make it hard to start off!  my pack doesn't hunt well, I've had four illnesses, and I can barely complete the quests that actually net sc because of lv and luck. 


Posted 2020-11-19 22:23:35

just had someone help me.


Posted 2020-11-19 22:25:47

So you've got it down now? As in, quarantine your wolf if possible, use flu fodder wolves, spam forage, pick explore options that yield herbs, and your sick wolf won't die immediately?


Posted 2020-11-19 22:28:32

Eh? flu fodder? what do you mean?


Posted 2020-11-19 22:38:35

Whenever I have a really bad outbreak of the flu in my pack(every 2 days), I usually throw a few of my packmates "to the wolves". I put all the sick wolves in a quarantine cave, then toss in some new befriended wolves, pups, or adolescents. Usually the flu gods are satisfied with my offering, and take only them. That gives me enough time to forage and make influenza cures.


Posted 2020-11-19 22:58:45

So adding wolves to a cave and giving them the potential to get the illness reduces the frequency of infected wolves getting worse? Or does it reduce the amount they get worse?


Posted 2020-11-20 03:56:41

There is no mechanic like that. None of the illnesses in the game act that way

You can have a single wolf in your quarantine cave or 100 but the effect of the flu or any other contagious illness is always the same. On the contrary, putting sane wolves with the infected one can only result in an almost sure contagion and so the number of wolves you have to cure increase.

Influenza spreads a lot (90% of contagious chance) but it's not lethal so you have plenty of time to forage and make a cure without worring about the wolf dying. The only important thing to do is separate the infected wolf in a cave all by itself so that the illness doesn't spread (and remember that "Unsorted" is not a cave, so it doesn't act as quarantine).

Here is a clear overview of what each illness does and its effects.


Posted 2020-11-20 09:21:35

So just clarifying here, quarantining does not reduce the infection rate by much, if at all, and the virus can and will leak out of the quarantine cave, often to unsorted, in my experience. I only put 2 healthy wolves with some sick wolves when there are 6 or more sick wolves, because at that point I desperately need to try everything in my power to slow the spread of influenza. It's inevitable that it will spread out of the cave at that point, so I just have to choose some wolves and hope that the influenza from each wolf in the cave will target the two healthy wolves, and not go somewhere outside of the cave. It's a game of chance, essentially.


Posted 2020-11-20 09:29:24

That's not how disease spreads in this game. The flu won't spread from a quarantine cave to any other cave. Unsorted wolves aren't in a cave and therefore can catch flu from the quarantine cave and then spread it to any other cave. But it wont go directly from a quarantined wolf to another cave.

The only way to stop it from spreading is to have all infected wolves in one cave and not have any unsorted wolves. 


Posted 2020-11-20 09:30:25

Do you still need help, I might have the stuff for it. 


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