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Puppies born with MUCH lower stats than Mom and Dad?

Puppies born with MUCH lower stats than Mom and Dad?
Posted 2020-11-19 16:45:34 (edited)

I've started seeing this pop up in other member's dens.

A whole litter of puppies - The dad has 483 stats, the mom has 431, and the newborn puppies are all ~303 stats.

How does this happen? My wolves usually have babies who are about 20 stats below the mom.

But I've been seeing more 400 and 500, even 600 stat parents producing barely 300s.


Posted 2020-11-19 18:08:05

The current info we have on stats looks like pups get 25-35% of the total stats of the parents. So 2 500 stat parents are likely to give you 300 stat pups as you've seen. 


Posted 2020-11-19 19:25:19

Thank you for letting me know! This is surprising but I think I do see how this would prevent users from being able to make super high stat monsters too easily


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