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Hunting Parties acting weird

Hunting Parties acting weird
Posted 2020-11-19 12:36:46

Okay so, I think this a glitch because my HP 1, has a synergy of 93% and very experienced wolves, They've been getting a lot of large and medium trails, but ever since I've created my HP 2, They've been getting nothing but critter and occasional small trails.
Meanwhile, my HP 2 which is brand new, has 7% synergy and wolves that have just begun hunting, Are somehow getting medium and small trails consistently. (Although they can never catch anything above critter, which is normal)

What gives?

Nicole Rockers

Posted 2020-11-19 13:09:06

HP 1 trails shouldn't change after you created the second party, unless you made changes in HP 1.

And with HP 2, even a party with lower synergy but higher stats will have an ability to get better trails. 

I would say keep track on the trails HP 1 gets because it could just be RNG being weird. But if this keeps happening, I do suggest creating a bug report because it could be some odd glitch.


Posted 2020-11-19 16:06:18

I did not make any changes to HP 1, and I know it's possible for them to get higher trails but one of the first hunts I did with them was a large and a medium, and then followed by all medium and small for the next 3 hunts.

I'll post it as a bug

Nicole Rockers

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