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hhhhey i'm new and dumb

hhhhey i'm new and dumb
Posted 2020-11-19 07:12:58

i guess i'm just making this thread bc i'm lonely and would love to socialise, not sure where to start, how to manage and spend my SC, how to get pretty wolves or really........ ANYTHING orz
i'd love to get pointers on what to do, general tips etc. ;v; thank you in advance!!

✨ mags

Posted 2020-11-19 07:59:04

Hi, I'm Tsubawings!! Im more than happy to help with any questions you jave!! I've got a pretty puppy I'm trying to get rid of and a nice marked wolf for you to take for cheap if you want!!

Puppy Gal


Posted 2020-11-19 08:03:02

AHHH i'm obsessed with her!!! what a pretty pup ;v; thank you sm! i'll be annoying you every once in a while with stupid questions hahaha

✨ mags

Posted 2020-11-19 08:06:50

Nah, don't ever feel that you're annoying me!! Im happy to help out any way that I can & might occasionally send you pups!


Posted 2020-11-19 08:08:53

PLEASE!!! you're amazing ahh

✨ mags

Posted 2020-11-19 08:16:00
You betcha!! Question~ Could you hold a boy for me?? You can keep him if you want to, but there's a gal thats aging up tomorrow and I don't want tk loose her

Posted 2020-11-19 08:17:36

absolutely no problem! it's the least i can do for you ;v;

✨ mags

Posted 2020-11-19 08:18:05

Thank you so much broski!!


Posted 2020-11-19 09:02:56

hi mags! here are my main tips to start (this is gonna be kinda information dense, sorry! there's just a LOT to cover):

- grouse house guides are your best friend, especially when you're just starting out. they cover pretty much everything regarding game mechanics, so if you need to brush up on those feel free to check them out here! i'll be referencing them a lot in my next points.

- make sure your hunting parties are compatible - romantic and friendly personalities can go together, and stoic and aggressive personalities can go together! i personally have two hunting parties that i alternate between because i have a lot of free time to check in on wolvden right now, but if you can only check in a few times a day i'd recommend you focus on one party (either friendly+romantic or aggressive+stoic). try to fill your party out as quickly as you can, because every time you add or remove a member your party loses a big chunk of synergy (which is super important for getting larger prey). for more info on personality (or to check which personality types your wolves have) check the grouse house personality guide.

- without using SC or GC, the best way to get pretty wolves is to level up! once you hit level 10 you can find chased wolves when befriending and once you hit level 15 you can find special NBWs, which can have NBW-exclusive eyes, markings, or bases. for this reason, I recommend you hold onto any lucky feet you get your hands on, because you will need tons of them to level up quickly once you get past level 10.

- do your daily snake quests to the best of your ability! this is the fastest way to get SC in my experience. if they ask you for an item you don't have, don't buy it in the trading center right away. there are explore encounters that will give you a quest item when you have an active quest, and you can even use these encounters to get duplicates of your quest items to hold onto for later! to see which encounters give quest items, check this guide.

- if you can afford to wait, i would recommend holding onto any 2+ use carcasses (this does not include eggs or meat chunks! feel free to sell those or use them to feed your pack) until their last day of expiry. when a carcass has 1 day til rotting, you can salvage it for half the amusement uses (in the form of bones). you can find lots of amusement items in explore and they're very valuable (i sell amusement for 15sc/use, meaning i get 1GC for every bone i sell in the trading center) so having partial use bones to use on your own pack will allow you to hold onto your other amusement items, which you can sell at any time since they have no expiration date. (later on, when your hunters are more proficient, you'll get 10-20 use carcasses, which can give you 1-2 full use bones!)

- there are far too many explore encounters to cover which choice is best in all of them, but in general i prioritize lucky feet > healing salves > amusement > food > cave materials > sc. acorns are really helpful in the starter biomes, so try not to waste them! some acorn trading encounters are sigificantly more valuable than others. i'd check this guide to see what each encounter gives in the biomes you've unlocked so far.

- not sure how many days in you are, but try to have 1-2 caves by your 4th rollover! when a wolf gets sick, it can spread illnesses unless its in a cave, quarantined from the rest. for more info on illness, check this guide.

- you don't have to be choosy with your hunters because you can switch them out whenever you want, but i would recommend being choosy with your scouts! try to have two scouts locked in by the time you hit level 5, because there is a huge difficulty spike in scouting later biomes and you'll want your scouts to be trained up by the time you hit them. scouts also gain stats/level the fastest of all the roles, so if you care about stat breeding I'd pick two wolves you really like (or are willing to put money into so that you like them down the line).

- i could say a lot about breeding for pretty wolves, but i think i've already written too much LMAO you can just check this guide for more info on that.

- if you're in need of pretty much anything there's almost always a thread in Stockpile where people are willing to help out! feel free to PM me if you can't find what you're looking for and i can try to find something for you.

feel free to ask if you have any questions or need clarification on anything!


Posted 2020-11-19 09:14:22


thank you so much for all the great tips! i still got a few questions about them
i just found the grouse house guides and i'm reading through them right now, thank you again! they're immensely helpful

1. when is the best time to use lucky feet? i fortunately read this at the right time bc i already wanted to sell some since i have so many and have no idea what to do with them hahaha

2. idk if i misread or anything, but how do you convert carcasses into bones? i sadly already accidentally sold a few jay feathers, but i kept the ones with the high uses!

thank you again for the help, i'm barely a week into the game and already so stoked. the only major mistakes i've made so far was getting rid of a few hunters bc i didn't like their appearance which kinda hindered the synergy but now i know better and i'm looking for the right personalities with my hunting group! (accidentally got two romantic wolves and one friendly wolf which is super)
i'll be diligent from now on!! >83c

✨ mags

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