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Scout or hunter for stat training wolves?

Scout or hunter for stat training wolves?
Posted 2020-11-17 20:21:25
What do you guys prefer? What do you think gets you the best stat gains? Scouting? Hunting? Something else?

🧀 Rat Of Unusual Size 🐀

Posted 2020-11-17 20:44:23

Scouting for sure IMO.

This is what my hunter looks like at 100% proficiency.

This is what my scout looks like at 95% proficiency.


Posted 2020-11-17 21:57:35

Wow, that's a pretty significant difference. Were their starting stats similar at all?

🧀 Rat Of Unusual Size 🐀

Posted 2020-11-17 22:15:49

I don't remember exactly what their starting stats were, but they were both NBWs, so like... likely within 30-50 total of each other. Early to mid 200's.


Posted 2020-11-17 22:16:00

Definitely scouting. My stud is closing in on 600 stats and started at around 200. 

For comparison, my hunter Shadow was roughly the same starting stats and became a hunter before Kestros became a scout but is at least 100 points lower.

Mind you, both are Early Access wolves so its a bit of time with hunting and scouting.


Posted 2020-11-17 22:30:16 (edited)
Keep in mind that any numbers you gain here are going to be entirely irrelevant without knowing the home biome of that player as well as where they're scouting. If people are sendign their scouts out to rescout Glacier every 2 hours but making their hunters hunt in Mountains, it's a given that the hunters will level way slower.
Exp gained entirely depends on the difficulty of your hunts/scouts! Rescouting the Glacier or Rainforest will give you WAY more experience then scouting grasslands. Talking a solid 1000+ xp compared to 200. The same logic goes for hunting in Glacier or Rainforest. My team in Tundra gets a higher # exp *failing* to catch critter trails then my friend's team does with *successful * large prey in mountains. My hunters are also a lower level than hers, so that's an even bigger difference in exp, since higher level wolves earn more experience for completing the same tasks.
My team of hunters is approaching level 9, and they are all only 1 year old & 4 1/2 months. So I've been averaging for them around a level a day in the 9 days they've been adults. Considering I can comfortably do 20 hunts in a day which is two teams of 5 wolves, I let my breeders do my hunting rather then my scouting personally. 


Posted 2020-11-17 23:26:30

@RelevantKoala that's really interesting. I didn't realize the different biomes had such a huge affect on experience. I have my pack in a Difficult biome right now, and each hunt pulls around 50-75exp per wolf. Meanwhile, my scouts are scouting Challenging biomes and receiving much more exp. Thought it was because of the scouting, not because of the biome. Guess it makes sense and incentivizes moving your pack.

🧀 Rat Of Unusual Size 🐀

Posted 2020-11-17 23:29:21

It definitely does yep! When my friend and I compared numbers last week (by looking back in our user logs) their successful large prey in mountain was bringing in 90~ exp a hunt for their level 10~ hunters, whereas my failed critters were bringing 110~ on my level 7 wolves, so there's definitely a difference in exp gain in harder biomes! Though, I also haven't seen a trail bigger than critter in probably a month now since I moved to Tundra, so you gain more exp but definitely catch less food. I only started CATCHING the critters a few days ago X_X


Posted 2020-11-17 23:31:35

Yeah I'm experiencing the same just with Difficult areas.... I haven't seen anything but a critter trail since I moved there LOL. Fortunately, my hunts have been more successful than not, but still I'd like to see something larger than a rabbit haha.

🧀 Rat Of Unusual Size 🐀

Posted 2020-11-17 23:33:14

Haha yep there's a long way to go! My current best hunting party was born in the Tundra, and they're currently 26 successes with 114 hunts. Ouch. But, experience! I get enough food exploring anyways, I just want them to level their asses up. 


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