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Pup Litter Sizes [Need Data]

Posted 2020-12-16 18:36:04 (edited)

Right now I have scried:

A litter of 4

A litter of 4

A litter of 2

Just scried another:

Litter of 5

Litter of 2

Just scried another:

Litter of 6

Litter of 4


Posted 2020-12-18 12:39:07

Does fertility have anything to do with litter size?

🌙 kizrae

Posted 2020-12-19 11:22:38 (edited)

I don't think I bred my wolves a lot so I don't know how much of help I'll be, but still I have some data to share! 

Thistle (lead wolf, Avarage fertility):

  • First litter: 3 pups
  • Second litter: 3 pups

Willow (Good fertility):

  • First litter: 4 pups
  • Second litter: 5 pups (with Largest Pup and Runt!) 

Sorrel (Good fertility):

  • First litter: 2 pups
  • Second litter: 3 pups

I have a low fertility pregnant female that will give birth tomorrow. I still haven't scried her because I've already spent too much recently scrying for mutations carriers so I think I'll just wait to see how many pups she'll give birth to this time (her first litter was the quest one).


Silverweed (Low fertility):

  • Second litter: 4 pups 


Posted 2021-01-20 00:35:39

Scry results for two females bred today.

Rada: Fertility - Good / Bred on 1st day of heat

  • First litter - 3 puppies

Anya: Fertility - Low / Bred on 3rd day of heat

  • First litter - 4 puppies


Posted 2021-02-16 02:48:27

Grave Chill - Fertility 34% (average)
First litter (Sire: Fenris 1437470): 5 pups
Second litter (Sire: Winters Breath 182200 ): 5 pups (scried)
Stats: 450+

Note: was originally male, grove item was used.

Fluffy Puppy

Posted 2021-04-22 08:59:39

I keep track of my litter sizes, though a lot of the pups don't exist anymore.

Crescent Moon - Average fertility 
First litter: 3 pups

Icy Dawn - Good fertility
First litter: 4 pups

Blue Rose - Average fertility
First litter: 3 pups

Clouded Skies - Average fertility
First litter: 4 pups

Rolling Pebble - Average fertility
First litter: 5 pups


Posted 2021-04-22 09:01:43

my time to shine; i've said every pup birth message! 

Occhiolist | they/them |

Posted 2021-12-02 12:32:26
You're in luck; I breed a lot of puppies, and I keep track of all of them. Here's my data (warning - it's quite a lot!):
1st litter- 3 puppies

1st litter- 2 puppies

1st litter- 4 puppies
2nd litter- 3 puppies

2nd litter (first was quest) - 4 puppies

1st litter- 4 puppies

1st litter- 4 puppies

1st litter- 3 puppies

1st litter- 3 puppies
2nd litter- 2 puppies

1st litter- 4 puppies
2nd litter- 3 puppies
3rd litter (scried)- 3 puppies

1st litter- 5 puppies

1st litter- 3 puppies
2nd litter- 3 puppies
3rd litter (scried)- 5 puppies

1st litter- 5 puppies

1st litter- 3 puppies

1st litter- 4 puppies

1st litter- 2 puppies

1st litter- 3 puppies

Posted 2021-12-20 07:31:30
As a new player, just popping in to give my two-cents.

Monochrome, average fertility (50%)
Having her 1st litter, scried to be 4.

She was my second wolf from the tutorial where it asked me to create another wolf, in case that at all helps. I didn't breed her during the breeding tutorial either.

🧷 morgue

Posted 2022-03-10 07:45:45
2nd Wolf: 3
3rd Wolf: 6
4th Wolf: 4

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