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LF: swamp background - ancient swamp tree!

LF: swamp background - ancient swamp tree!
Posted 2020-11-16 19:11:37 (edited)

Hey! I'm looking for the swamp background ancient swamp tree!

I can pay you with the equivalent on SC or items from the mountains biome! i can also give a refunded breeding to my t3 stud Erebus, as his fee is of the same value.

Satan [HIATUS]

Posted 2020-11-21 00:32:55

I can get you the petals! (do you want both?) would I be able to send it/them for a pixel art? <3 


Posted 2020-11-21 00:34:50

Ohh sure!! I'm busy with college so the art can take a while though! ;w;

I'd love both! If you don't mind waiting send me a message with the character/wolf you'd like me to draw! <33

Satan [HIATUS]

Posted 2020-11-21 00:35:37

Sure! :) I'll do that, and I'm not impatient. You take all the time you need! I'll send you a trade and a DM! 


Posted 2021-01-14 01:13:22

Updated post! i'm looking for more stuff from other biomes!

Satan [HIATUS]

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