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Nighttime Trading

Nighttime Trading
Posted 2020-11-13 12:54:37 (edited)


You approach the river wearily, lowering your muzzle to drink from the cool water. The river churns, and small flecks of foam jump up to greet your muzzle as the water clashes with the many sharp rocks lying haphazardly in the way of the swift current.

As you drink, you don't notice a large gray she-wolf approach you. Her face is a mask of calm and indifference, though her eyes betray her curiosity. "Welcome, traveller," She says, and her voice is even. Not cracked with fear or anger, but not friendly, either. She does not want you here.

"Hello," You reply warmly, though a bit startled. "I've heard there's a trading outpost here." The she-wolf tips her head in a nod of aknowledgement. "That is correct. Who are you?" You tell her your name and the name of your pack, and she nods. "Ah, another Alpha. Though I prefer to be known as Queen. I'm Queen Ajambo of the Nighttime Hunters."

"I'm here to see what you have to trade," You say, brushing past the formalities. She surveys you appraisingly, and nods. "Very well. Come with me. We have quite a few wolves for sale, as well as herbs and such. What is is you're looking for?"

a toaster

Posted 2020-11-13 12:55:01 (edited)


Ajambo gives you a courteous nod. "Yes, we've recently had some overcrowding issues, and a few of the mothers have agreed to give away some of their pups. Follow me." She says.

Ajambo leads you through the sparse territory in a pleasant silence. The smell of multiple wolves reaches your nose, and you brush this aside.

"Through here," Ajambo directs you to a large den made of rocks and branches. Flowers are woven through the walls, and moss drapes each visible surface. 

"Our pups are prone to excitement and consequential destruction, so do be careful not to make them overeager. We've had to rebuild this den three times now," Ajambo says with a tired sigh.

You pad inside cautiously, your nose twitching as you scent for the pups that Ajambo warned you about. Will you find a new addition to your pack today, or will you return home empty-pawed?

A large brown and black male greets you at the entrance. "Are you here to make a trade?" He asks you. He smells of this den, he must be the pupsitter. You answer that yes, you are, and that you'd like to see them.

He nods. "Very well. Come in." You brush past him, ducking below an overhanging frond of honeysuckle. Swiftly, the pupsitter reaches up and tucks the flowers into place.

"They're sleeping now, and so is their mother, you'd do well not to wake them." The pupsitter says with a tired sigh. "Wake me once you've chosen or you're ready to leave." He turns and pads towards the corner, where a plush, mossy next is heaped. You turn away from the exhausted pupsitter and instead survey the pups.

Their mother is dozing lightly, her chest rising and falling evenly. The cubs are asleep at her stomach, soft yips come from them in their sleep. You lower your muzzle to inspect the first one.


This pup is fair, with short skarn-based fur and doubloon bottoms, as well as yellow underfurs. She currently has 0 mutations. She is clean. She is 216 stats; her current price is 30 SC once weaned.

a toaster

Posted 2020-11-13 12:55:36 (edited)


Ajambo blinks at you apologetically, her long silvery tail whisking the earthen ground as she replies. "We've currently got no adolescents to trade at the moment, but we've got pups and herbs."

a toaster

Posted 2020-11-13 12:55:51 (edited)


Ajambo tilts her head. "Sorry, no wolves. Have you checked out our pups yet?"

a toaster

Posted 2020-11-13 12:55:59 (edited)


Ajambo nods. "Our healer, Bird, will be happy to supply you with herbs. Please follow me." She turns and trots off in the direction you were going in. You grudgingly follow her.

"Bird's in there," She says, pointing to a large den with flowers tucked in between the branches upon reaching her pack's communal area. "You'll find him sorting herbs or something of the kind," She says dismissively, turnning and padding into the hubub of the pack.

You pad in, looking around curiously. A golden male sits sorting herbs as Ajambo predicted with his back turned to you, though he twitches an ear as you enter.

"You here for herbs?" He asks gruffly but not unkindly. He turns to face you questioningly. You nod, explaining what you need. 

"Well, we may not have that, but you're free to take a look around. Pick one and then leave, I'm busy." He says, though this time he says it unkindly. You nod and peer around the den.


This common herb is helpful for treating infections, and it can be made into bedding for newborn puppies. This herb is currently only 20 SC! 

St. John's Wort

This herb is antibiotic, which is perfect for treating wounds. It can also be dried and turned into bedding for pups. This herb is currently only 20 SC!


This herb can be used as an antiseptic or as a treatment for coughing. It can be turned into bedding as well. This herb is currently only 25 SC!


This herb can be used to make a healing salve, or be used as bedding for pups if it is dried. This herb is currently only 25 SC!


This herb can be used as bedding. It can also help soothe pain, as well as be used in other remedies such as the Mange Salve or the Open Wounds Salve. This herb is currently only 20 SC!

a toaster

Posted 2020-11-13 14:00:28

Could I buy the turmeric?


Posted 2020-11-13 14:11:36

Yes! I'll set up the trade!

a toaster

Posted 2020-11-13 14:53:00



Posted 2020-11-13 15:20:10

Of course!

a toaster

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