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Explain medicine pouch on explore screen will heal your wolf in battle tutorial!

Posted 2020-11-11 19:34:08


I didn't learn that it was clickable until I just missed the map button and was like "whaaat? How long was that there?"


Posted 2020-11-11 22:10:03

I...had no idea this was a thing so i SUPPORT


Posted 2020-11-12 03:05:06

i too only found out on accident, because the one time i tried to intentionally click it, i must've hit the map button instead.
(the button borders do seem kind of arbitrary, with how they both start and end in the fur surrounding them)


Posted 2020-11-12 09:22:32

Huge support, I only found out by someone mentioning it in chat once and I nearly choked


Posted 2020-11-12 21:58:33

Honestly, I'm shocked to see the battle tutorial mention absolutely nothing about HP and healing. Week one their were so many questions on how to regain HP and such due to players coming over from LD and not expecting HP to carry. 

I think Tala should have an entire mini-segment on healing and how HP loss is 'permanent' and must be healed manually. Like, after the battle Tala observes you're injured and gives you a rich healing salve, then shows you your pouch and where to find medicine in your horde. Probably mentioning where you get salves Ingame as well?

Lily (GH!)

Posted 2020-11-12 22:11:16


I've been playing for a little over a week and had no idea until I stumbled across this thread. I also really love Lily's suggestions in the post above.  It wasn't extremely clear to me what would happen to your lead wolf if it ever reached 0 HP during a fight. I knew wolves in your pack could die, but I wasn't sure if that applied to the main wolf and didn't get a clear answer until someone asked in the chat. 

Rockfyrex 🌋

Posted 2020-11-12 22:40:17

100% support as I was today years old when I realized this


Posted 2020-11-12 22:43:32

I don't know *how* many battles I intentionally skipped over because I had to keep going hoard > heal, when I could have been healing before accepting the fight. Likely multiple levels worth of exp passed over. Fully support!!


Posted 2020-11-12 23:27:13

The medicine pack on the explore screen.... DOES WHAT???! Jesus. I've been playing since day one of early access and had no idea this was a thing. This changes everything. Thank you for posting this because I never would have figured it out

Full support!

Stacey 🌺

Posted 2020-11-13 02:04:56

Support! I only found out a few days ago.


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