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Bigger Navigation Buttons on Wolf Pages

Bigger Navigation Buttons on Wolf Pages
Posted 2020-11-10 13:20:17

Hi! This is a suggestion for a very minor tweak that I think would be very helpful. 

the top portion of the wolf page on desktop

Currently, the left and right arrow buttons used to navigate between wolf pages are very small. On desktop this is alright (at least for me), but I have a hard time pressing them on my phone because they are so small. 

I would like to suggest that they be made a bit bigger so they are easier to use on a small screens and/or touch screens. This would also make it more accessible for players with dexterity issues or people using laptop trackpads. 

I think this would probably only require some very minor coding tweaks to increase the size. 

Thanks for considering my suggestion! c: 

🌿 glasswort 🌿

Posted 2020-11-10 16:27:05

 support this. It's not a huge problem on desktop, but on mobile i have to zoom in quite a bit just to get to the next wolf, to the point where it's sometimes faster for me to go back to the den page and get to the wolf i want that way.


Posted 2021-07-06 01:48:39

I only use mobile and just now realized there are buttons to navigate through wolf pages.... So I support


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