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Why there's so many pups for sale?

Why there's so many pups for sale?
Posted 2020-11-09 10:45:06

I am new here and there are so many puppies (and adult wolves) for sale. A lot of them are priced for free or less than 10 SC. 

My question is, why are they trying to sell/give away them? Why not just chase them off?


Posted 2020-11-09 10:57:18 (edited)

It's hard to say what everyone's motivation is (sometimes they just want the pups to go to a home instead of being "deleted"/lost for good!) but i'd say some mixture of....

- Pups represent resources. A female wolf's Heat, at least 2% (one try) of both parent's energy, sometimes a Stud fee if bred to an outside wolf, the Nest to keep her pups safe (if used; some people may risk losing pups by letting unnested mothers give birth), and any resources trying to keep the pups alive- it's a shame to waste those!

- Sometimes people just don't have space for all their wolves! They may not want to get *rid* of their wolves' puppies, but they may also not be able to keep them all due to space or other issues; they might just be trying to give the little pixels a "home" that would appreciate them! Last chance puppies, "will die/chase at rollover",  and those sorts of thing probably fall into this category 

- They might think the puppy could be useful/valuable to someone else, but they might not want to keep it themselves- especially the "giveaway" puppies. Maybe the puppy doesn't meet their own marking/base requirements to keep and raise to adulthood, but they're still Cute or the pup of a Customized pair with value for newer players or players with other aesthetic tastes.

- They don't like the idea of chasing puppies, or don't want to feel like their lead/main/wolves took that action, can't get their heads around separating that part of canon/lore from their button-pressing action (can't "imagine the pups never existed" or "pretend they're going to a nice home") and will do everything in their power to NOT have to press that button. (Sort of rehashed "want to find it a "home"" reason) 

This was typed up generally for "worthwhile" pups, though some players might literally shove EVERYTHING they've bred onto the trading center because... they have puppies? xD 

... I could go on, but generally to put it simply they're probably just trying to 1) Make back some resources used to produce the pups (if trying to sell), or 2) Allow the pup a chance to find a home before they're lost/chased.

Personally I only sell the puppies with a good number of markings, Tier II bases, or who are particularly cute and might be worthwhile for another player to look at. Any others are chased for the good of the site ^^ 

Welcome to the game, and hope that helps! <3 


Posted 2020-11-09 14:09:29

Well, if I have a puppy and someone pays 5sc for it, I'm now 5sc richer than if I chased it? XD  And people do often buy the cheap ones (even if it's only so their pupsitter has a puppy to sit and therefore won't lose proficiency points), so why not, although of course I'll let them run off eventually instead of feeding them.

(As for why I'm bothering to breed at all, it's because some puppies come out worth a lot more than 5sc, but I usually get a couple of potatoes per litter.)


Posted 2020-11-09 14:28:27

Ooo, I did not think about pupsitter's points! Thank you for bringing that up!! I would've totally forgot about that haha!


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