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~ Chebe Dragon Adoptables ~

~ Chebe Dragon Adoptables ~
Posted 2020-11-09 08:21:06 (edited)


If you need help getting started, feel free to post below or message me for more information!

I teamed up with Paint_Box to create and bring you these adorable little adoptables!




To get started, there are many different places you can look to find a dragon. There are four different life stages to the dragons and each can be found in different places. There is the egg, which can be obtained from breeding, exploring the wilds, or the nursery. There is the hatchling which can be obtained by aging up an egg, exploring the wilds, or found in the nursery. Then there is the wyrmlings which can be found by exploring the wilds or aging up a hatchling. Finally the last life stage is the adult which can be obtained by aging up a wyrmling or exploring in the wilds. 

In order to age up a dragon, you can do that one of two ways. Either use the Age Gem which can be found in the store (still being added) or in the wilds, or wait 1 week after gaining the dragon/aging them up, in order to grow them up to the next age. 

This is where all contests, events and auctions will be held! You can win cones, dragons and more in the auctions and enter your dragons in contests to win prizes and be given ribbons for their hard work. 

Come to the store to buy different items for your dragons! Some will aid their stats and others will change different things about your dragon. 

1GC = 80SC

Blueberry - 3GCPinkberry - 3GCAge Gem - 1GC
Use this blue treat to change your dragon's gender to male. Use this pink treat to change your dragon's gender to female.
Use this shiney gem to age up any dragon without waiting 1 week.

Feather - 1GCBottle - 1GCCookie - 1GCMeat - 1GC
This soft feather will make finding egg easier.

This milk filled bottle will attract hatchling   dragons.

This crunchy cookie will attract wyrmling dragons. This juicy treat will attract adult dragons.

Pepper - 2GC
Ice cube - 2GCIce cream - 2GCChocolate - 2GC
Use this spicy treat to attract red, orange and yellow dragons. 

Use this icy treat to attract blue, green and purple dragons. 

Use this delicious treat to attract dragons that are white, gold and silver.

Use this to attract black, brown and grey colored dragons


Posted 2020-11-09 08:23:43 (edited)


The Nursery is where eggs and hatchlings are taken care of. All of the babies here are orphines looking for a new family to call home. Come and find one to take home. All eggs are 50 SC and all hatchling are 70 SC.

1GC = 80SC


1)            2)      3)         







There are several different areas in the wilderness that you can search for dragons of all ages. Some places are more likely to find different types of dragons, though some may also be harder to travel through. 

1GC = 100SC

Serefina Fields


This is easiest area to traverse, a long expansive field that spans seemingly forever, providing lush tall grass and plentiful plants. Here you can find eggs, hatchlings, wyrmlings and adults along with other items. 

Hibana Hills


A rougher ground to walk through, here the mountains cascade down slowly and gently to a snow covered ground below. Here it seems eggs can be found the most, hidden in the little caves within the hills. 

Emerald Waterfall


A beautiful row of waterfalls all crashing together into an endless ocean, these waterfalls is a perfect place for hatchlings to call home. Come here to have a better chance at catching hatchlings. 

Great Woods

A deep and lush jungle, there are many different types of trees, vines and flowers that reside here. Not only that, but wyrmlings seem to love playing in the branches of the trees. Exploring here will surely have the best luck in finding one. 

Tyrant Wasteland


This is the harshest of all the terrains and only the experienced should come here. Golden brown hills rise up in different sizes, the sand moving underfoot makes it hard to traverse through this area. Only the adult dragons call this place home. 

Direstar Desert


The rocky area has very little moisture in both the air and the ground, causing cracks to appear mostly at random. Here you can typically find eggs, hatchlings, wyrmlings and adults with the colors red, orange and yellow. 

Cerana River


The small rolling hills that run through this area are surrounded by small streams at the base. Here you can usually find eggs, hatchlings, wyrmlings and adults with the colors of green, blue and purple. 

Orpha Beach


Golden sands span the entirely of the waterline, feeding into a beautiful clear water. Around here you can find eggs, hatchlings, wyrmlings, and adults with the colors of white, silver and gold. 

Condell Cavern


Long winding passageways move through the land, though some areas are more dangerous than others. Deep in these caves you can find eggs, hatchlings, wyrmlings, and adults with the colors of black, grey and brown. 

If you have two dragons, one male and one female, you can breed them together. You can also stud with another person to create a clutch of eggs. The offspring of the parents will gain some genetics of both the mother and the father. Not only that, but will gain some extra stats as well. 

The number of babies is random, though the stats of the the mother and father do help determine how many eggs they will have. If you breed with another player's dragon, you can split the price and split the eggs. How you split up the children is up to you. 

The price to breed is 3GC


Posted 2020-11-09 10:53:46

Can I explore Tyrant Wasteland and Cerana River please?


Posted 2020-11-09 10:59:15

@SoundTheBugle Or course! Go ahead and set up the trade and I will post with your results! ^^


Posted 2020-11-09 11:04:42

Can I explore Direstar Desert and Orpha Beach please?
Sending trade in a second x

The Zoologist

Posted 2020-11-09 12:11:40


Tyrant Wasteland

You found an adult female dragon! You didn't find anything else. 


Cerana River

You found a male adult dragon! You also found a chocolate treat!


Let me know what you want to name them and I'll update them in the directory found here


Posted 2020-11-09 12:35:54

:O ooh nice!!

Can I name the female Berry and the male Cobble?


Posted 2020-11-09 12:52:44


Direstar Desert

You found a mysterious egg! Gender is unknown until it hatches~ You didn't find anything else.

Orpha Beach

You found a female wyrmling! You also found a milk bottle!

Let me know what you want to name them and I'll update them in the directory found here


Posted 2020-11-09 12:53:23


Sure ^^ updating them now 


Posted 2020-11-09 12:54:51

Can I name the wyrmling Twinkle please?
And I'll name the egg (if I'm allowed) Phoenix as well ^_^

The Zoologist

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