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Part Time Immortality

Part Time Immortality
Posted 2020-11-09 00:05:25

Straight to the buisness: Part Time Immortality would be a feature, that I imagine like this:

-An object added to the game that let's you choose (Irl. Time) on how long you want to keep your wolf in it's younger form.

-The Cost increases Based on how much we want the wolf to be in that immortality.

-The Cost Could be SC Or GC Depending on the time lenght.

-The Immortality Could Cost More than the Normal Immortality (Max P.T.I is maybe 6 months? or a year? IRL Time

-Just Like Immortality the P.T.I Keeps Everything the way it was.

Also Had another idea about Aging.


✧ Ivory ✧

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