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10 SC - Among Us YCH - CLOSED

Posted 2020-10-01 12:10:15 (edited)

I also cant resist the temptation hehe. 

Could I get another frame one? This time of orange with a cheese hat standing up doing a lil dance? (Just bending his knees or something is fine) also if possible, could he be facing the other way? :) I'll pay extra gc for all the work thank you!


Posted 2020-10-01 12:35:51

these are soooo cute! could i get two if you have the time? one of my character (pink imposter with ram horns) and my bf's (cyan with the leaf hat and a little follower) no animation or anything, and any pose is fine! :)


Posted 2020-10-02 17:21:04

omgggg these are so cute!

if you've still got an open slot, i'd love a looping animation one of this set up (dark blue w/ cowboy hat and white tux). maybe standing and looking shifty (glancing around or something possibly? just looking sus basically LOL)?


Posted 2020-10-02 17:29:31 (edited)

Hiya! Could I get a loop of this guy ? <3 Something similar to the orange guy on your thread movin his feet (or honestly just something super cute)! Also could his little buddy be added aswell? I can pay a bit extra for all his clothes to be added <3 Thank you!


Posted 2020-10-02 17:33:55

Oh gosh! I'm in love! Can i please get one of the laying down cowboy hat gifs, but with brown? my boyfriend would LOVE it haha! if possible can you have the cowboy hat be SLIGHTLY oversized? Thanks so much!

Lex 🌻

Posted 2020-10-02 19:25:11

These are SO ridiculously cute! Would you take GC for them too or just SC? Either way I'm 100% saving up! ;o;


Posted 2020-10-02 19:32:40

Hey! Are you still open? :D I'll PM you!


Posted 2020-10-03 14:15:53

Could you do a 3 frame animation of a cutesy white impostor with a cherry hat and a baby impostor as well? I can send payment now! 

The animation can be about anything, just something adorable will be enough ^^


Posted 2020-10-04 04:54:40

ok I'll close this thread here and make a new, more organized one!
Sorry I didn't expect everyone to like these haha!


Posted 2020-10-11 12:07:13 (edited)

Subscribing!! I def wanna get some for my usual among us characters. Could you link the new thread when you have it?


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