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LF: G2 Tier 3 Light/Dark Genetics Heir

Posted 2021-02-05 14:13:37

I’ve got a Gen 4 Clean Rime girl If she would interest you at all 🖤


Posted 2021-02-05 19:45:42

I got this lovely Gen 2 boy Rime he has 4 basic markings. His father is my custom and a NBW. He'll be weaned next rollover. I planned on keeping him but I'll sell for maybe in the 40-50SC range


Posted 2021-02-06 11:50:00 (edited)

Hi! I have a Gen 2 Melchior male, born last rollover to my starter lead + stud. He has 393 stats and 5 markings!

I'm not picky about price. If you're interested, I'm open to whatever offer you think is fair. 


Posted 2021-02-06 13:26:53

I'd be interested in the G2 Rime and G2 Melchior, but can only offer you 1gc for each of them atm :s


Posted 2021-02-06 13:36:20 (edited)

Oh, that's more than I was anticipating! I'd happily take less; just knowing he's useful to someone is enough for me, honestly. 

Edit: I reserved him for you and will send him over as soon as he's weaned!


Posted 2021-02-06 18:54:03

If you're talking about my gen 2 rime boy, I will gladly take that offer and can set up a trade rn


Posted 2021-02-12 08:35:15

I've got this Neph adol boy if youre still looking! Clean line, only has parents and grandparents. Asking 50 sc or 1 gc but willing to take other offers. 


Posted 2021-02-12 09:44:45

I have 2 Melchior and a titanium, all are clean however they have slightly long lineage. Is that a dealbreaker? 

𓃦 CrossFox 𓃥

Posted 2021-02-12 15:45:50

i just befriended a nepheline nbw with 3 marks in case you're interested!


Posted 2021-02-12 15:50:27

I’d be very interested in the nbw o: how much do you want for him?


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