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LF: Cough and diarrhea medicine! - trading for art [CLOSED]

LF: Cough and diarrhea medicine! - trading for art [CLOSED]
Posted 2020-11-05 06:34:01 (edited)

It seems I need to make this post my "Hey help wanted for wolves" post. ^_^' I am still at the start of the game and have no means to get all the items to make medicines so I figured I could ask for a trade.
Sadly, I don't have any in-game money but I could trade art for medicine if anyone would be willing to do that?


Posted 2020-11-05 06:42:02

(You can also stop the spread by just moving Kerma and Loska out of the cave the sick wolf is in! Illnesses only spread on rollover, they aren't spreading during the day. I can't remember if Influenza is fatal or not, but wolves'll also only die if the reach zero HP + their ilness is listed as "fatal." Checking the Grouse House Guide on Illnesses would let you know for sure.)

(Obviously you can still do what you want, I just wanted to make sure you aren't freaking out over something that can be easily fixed haha. :) )


Posted 2020-11-05 06:46:01

I can trade you 3 influenza cure for a full-body art of what my lead will look like: here.

Can you draw him confident looking?


Posted 2020-11-05 06:55:04

S.B. Toast. I mean sure that is an option too, might even do that but i honestly want this still out of the way asap. 

Sol  Yeah i can draw them, Thanks so much for being willing to help! How do i tag you btw? i don't exactly know how forum posts work ^^'


Posted 2020-11-05 07:01:29

Feel free to send me PM.


Posted 2020-11-07 05:42:51

okay upping this for more help is needed ;O;


Posted 2020-11-07 06:12:52

Do you still need cough and direaha meds cause I have one of each?


Posted 2020-11-07 06:15:44

Yes! I do! ;_; Thanks so much
who can i draw?


Posted 2020-11-07 06:17:28

Oh holy hell, do you still need it? Your art is fantastic!


Posted 2020-11-07 06:22:51 (edited)

Can you draw a pic of this wolf if that's ok? Your arts amazing


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