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What do stats/levels do for lead wolves?

What do stats/levels do for lead wolves?
Posted 2020-11-04 18:26:40 (edited)

So, it's pretty obvious that stats and levels make your pack members more effective at their roles. But what about for lead wolves? I assume your stats determine things like how hard you hit and how likely you are to miss in enemy encounters, but do they do anything else? Do they provide any benefits aside from better battle odds?

Just curious--thanks!


Posted 2020-11-04 19:33:37

From  level 10 you can find chased wolves in explore.

From level 15, you can find rated wolves that have some rarer bases & markings. More info: Link


Posted 2020-11-04 20:40:09
Huh, I really wonder how big a difference stats make in battle odds. If I start out with a 300-stat lead wolf, will I be able to fight things 5 levels higher and win??


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