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sp0ot’s commissions! - open!

sp0ot’s commissions! - open!
Posted 2024-04-24 12:53:17
Thanks for stopping by! If you're considering buying, please read my guidelines/tos below.
I only have USD slots open for now, but hope to open up SC/GC slots in the future :>
More examples of my art:

Terms of Service

- Please provide a clear reference, it's preferred that the reference isn't fully rendered or shaded.
-I take payment upfront through Paypal only!
-How long the drawing will take me will depend on how many other pieces of art I have to finish first and of course, I don't spend every waking moment of the day drawing, so in general, a piece of art can take 1-2 weeks to complete
- If the design is overly complicated, it may cost extra

Examples and Prices

Lined & Colored w/ light shading
Headshot: $20
Fullbody: $35


Posted 2024-04-24 21:21:32
Hiya! Your art is simply stunning. If we were to request something, would you prefer here, in DMs, or Discord?


Posted 2024-04-24 22:20:41
Orion #6210 thank you for your kind words! i don't take requests but if you're interested in a commission, feel free to message me here or through Instagram @sp0ot!

Posted 2024-04-25 08:32:22
Sorry! That is what I meant. A commission. I could never just request free art unprompted omg


Posted 2024-04-25 10:58:01
Orion  #6210 ok no worries! i just wanted to make sure lol but yes! feel free to message me either here or on instagram i'm fairly active on both :}

Posted 2024-05-08 10:42:25
Omg your style is so gorgeous! I will definitely return once I got paid... O.O


Posted 2024-05-08 20:16:19
If you ever have GC slots, I'd lot to take a slot! These are amazing

† Salem Trials †

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