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Den Re-Brand | LF: Purple + Blue + Green wolves (more specifics below) [OPEN!]

Den Re-Brand | LF: Purple + Blue + Green wolves (more specifics below) [OPEN!]
Posted 2024-04-21 20:27:58
Hello all!

Although I've had this Wolvden account for a few years, I am still on my first stud + leader and decided I want to start a-new.

I'm currently working on re-designing my pack to be an Aurora Borealis themed den with wolves having various coats of blue/green/purple bases or black/white bases with those colored markings.

However, I am also working on only taking wolves that are 350 stats minimum, typically T2 or higher, and G5 as a maximum, with any number of markings, which is not an easy task, thus I am expanding my boundaries here.

I may be picky, so if I refuse, don't feel bad, this is me trying to rebrand myself, so I don't look like an utter newbie. Any and all contributions are appreciated. I will not chase away any wolves that come to me, and even if you have an older wolf who fits the standards that you don't like anymore or just needs a retirement home, send them my way!

My payment method will be SC/GC. [ Please refer to the title if it's closed or open at the moment as I only have so much SC, If you send in a request while it is closed, I will not respond to you. ]
45sc for a 300 stat, t1 pup. G5-G10
60sc for 300+ stat t1 or t2 pup or adol G5-G7
75sc for 350+ stat t1 or t2 adol or adult G5 or lower
100sc+ for 350+ stat t2 or t3 adult G5 or lower
1 gc 400+ stat, t3+ pup/adol/adult G2-G3 (very picky)

(Other price methods like herbs/food/amusement can be discussed via PMs if you'd prefer)

If any of y'all think you have a wolf that would fit my description, please fill out the forum below:

How many wolves you are offering?:
Link/picture of them:
When can you send it?:
Can you provide food/amusement or if not, can you play/feed it before?:

After filling out the forum, I will write back my response (hopefully within a day or two) if I want to go ahead with the deal (and the price I'll be paying you) or if it needs to be discussed further via PMs.

Thank you again for even looking at this post! <3

Posted 2024-04-21 21:07:47
How about this two?



Posted 2024-04-21 23:44:22
Although they are gorgeous, it is too much red coloration for me! Thank you though. Compensation SC will be sent your way as the first poster :)

Posted 2024-04-22 05:52:41
Most of my purple and blue wolves are gone, but I may have some...

Pink - has biform shaded also that will add more color if bumped to higher opacity.
Diluted Color - lots of decent marks but not sure if you will like this one.
Another Dilute - has amor and moss, and opal marks though.


Posted 2024-04-22 09:05:18
Hello! I do like the looks of the first Dilute Male, I can definitely play around with marking opacity and make him into a pair bond with one of my gals once he's older.

Based on the G2, 350+ stat decent marks but only tier one I'll offer 150SC? Let me know if that sounds good!

Posted 2024-04-22 09:33:37
I can do that. I will set up a trade as soon as I can or he may already have a trade up if you want to offer the 150.


Posted 2024-04-22 09:37:47
Perfect, thank you!

Posted 2024-04-23 12:48:11
Username: Scottie
How many wolves you are offering?: 5
Link/picture of them:
~T* G10 adol male, stats just under 300
~T3 G10 adol male, 308 stats
~T1 G7 adult male, 429 stats, melanistic
~T1 G8 adult male, 443 stats, melanistic
~T1 G7 adult male, 502 stats, melanistic
When can you send it?: Either immediately or as soon as weaned
Can you provide food/amusement or if not, can you play/feed it before?: I can keep them fed and amused


Posted 2024-04-23 16:52:09
Hello! Thank you for using the format. Unfortunately, as stated in my first message, I am going to be picky with generations. All of them are gorgeous so I hope they find homes elsewhere.

Compensation will be sent :)

Posted 2024-04-23 19:53:14
No problem!


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