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Scars anyone?

Posted 2020-11-04 22:38:57

I'd like scars as decor items specific to the wolf that got them. Say wolf A gets injured, it could get a new scar item that could be equipped. If you decide to not add it, or remove it you couldn't add it to wolf B that didn't get injured. 


Posted 2020-11-04 22:38:58

I could get behind it if there's an auto-equipped toggle. But scars got out of hand really fast on Lioden without it, and my lions also looked like someone stuck them in a blender. Every day there were at least two to take off per hunter. It got old really quick.

Filigree 🐿

Posted 2020-11-04 22:45:01

I mean an easy fix, I would think, to having too many scars would be to lower the percentage chance of earning a scar, I also agree that scars should be per wolf, so you can't just have wolf A get a scar and then put it on wolf B. In addition to lowering the percentage chance, you could also make it that when a wolf gains a scar, they can't earn the same one twice.

🧿 Cornix

Posted 2020-11-04 22:46:37
Yes please to scar decor. I like the idea of modeling it after LD mechanics where your hunters, scouts, and main can get a scar from a fight/hunt/injury. I don't mind them being auto equipped only if they're removeable and not permanent. Each scar could maybe have 3 total uses or so?

Posted 2020-11-14 16:47:05 (edited)

support for scars!

would love to gain them as a random and set element to wolves that get into fights, like hunters, scouts and the lead wolf.
i really like the thought of being able to toggle auto-equip on them, like Red suggested.

though i think it would be nice and make sense if the scars are then bound to the wolf that earned them.
and maybe give different chances depending on the class?
herbalist, puppysitters, pre-adults and unoccupied 0%
hunters 10%
scout 5%
lead wolf 10% after every battle, no matter if won or lost?


Posted 2020-11-15 21:00:09

Support! I loved the scars on Lioden


Posted 2021-11-15 06:04:37 (edited)
Edited message


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